• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • There’s medical tourism so that you can receive comparable care overseas for much cheaper than in the states, and any job you can get online, even at a pay cut, will make your living expenses cheaper in a lot of other countries than continuing to live in the USA where you get zero benefits.

    The USA offers so few benefits to its citizens, especially those more vulnerable, that it makes sense to try your luck elsewhere.

  • I also appreciate a beep, but by te third note it becomes a tune and I want to throw it out the window.

    Or the appliance that just has a flat monotone beep but it has to be like six times cl and you can’t adjust that.

    You should definitely search for your appliance beeping or notification noise adjust or turn off, cuz a lot of them have a factory setting or something where you can hold in the power button for 10 seconds and turn it off or change it or something like that.

  • Crafting, since I’m traveling again

    Huarachas - traveling again, and huarachas are my most comfortable shoes

    Stuff sacks - for cramming bulky items like jackets/sleeping bags into to maximize storage space.

    I really like making stuff, and these items are so useful and so simple to make that I make them whenever I need them

    Oh shirts. Usually the best design only comes in extra large, so I buy the style I like in any size larger than I am, then lay a shirt I know is the right size on top, cut it to size and make a bespoke t-shirt.

  • Uh, yeah it’s the same president.

    It’s only been 8 months.

    So you’re like, super uninformed?

    Guess your little inaccurate tantrum bears that out.

    Just to blast apart your irrelevances there, 1) Biden admitted that he was wrong about the babies as soon as he found out he was wrong about the babies due to faulty intelligence. 2) With complete non-involvement from the US, israel has enough other allies and stockpiled ammunitions to have started and continue this genocide for years(as they have been doing for the last half century); the fact that you don’t know this bears out your ignorance and renders your plaintive cries immaterial.

    I know you feel safe on the bandwagon, but you might want to read a little before you start making things up.