Spoken like someone who’s never had a cheesy gordita crunch
Spoken like someone who’s never had a cheesy gordita crunch
Ah, yes, the Engelbert Humperdinck field
You know you’re a real forklift driver when you don’t even have to open the link to know what it is
My first real job out of high school, my “forklift certification” was the only other guy in the warehouse basically telling me not to crash into things. A few months in, I casually ripped around a corner, no clue why I ended up stopping. But when I did, one of the structural columns was between the forks, definitely would have destroyed it or the forklift if I hadn’t stopped
I had to check the post not logged in, weirdly I only see your comment when I’m logged in, but yeah, I (almost) only ever ssh into it, so I never really noticed the resolution until you pointed it out
That’s a whole 86x48 more than 1280x720!
Somehow Jellyfin works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Normally I’m opposed to the MIC drone striking US citizens, but apparently there are some exceptions
Ugh, you mean I have to take it out?
websites from the 1900s
how dare you
I seem to recall a pretty successful one against the British…