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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • Outlook is garbage. Everything Microsoft does is garbage and consumer hostile, except for visual studio code. Anyone who’s used Google business apps knows this. Teams is such an unproductive joke I refuse to work for any company that uses it. It’s evidence a company is cheap and values cost cutting more than efficiency.

    I had a family 365 account to backup my parent’s shit. Even though their PC’s were logged into their fucking Microsoft accounts, and backed up to OneDrive, Outlook displayed ads and couldn’t be linked to their subscription without changing their account emails. Ads were also re-inserted into their OS, even though I already ran multiple scripts to disable them all previously. Complete joke. Cancelled that shit.

  • Custom domains mean that if the alias provider enshittifies, you can switch to any other provider near-instantly. As long as you never use the domains to host illegal or dodgy shit it’s extremely unlikely you’ll ever lose them — far less likely than losing a gmail or whatever.

    With SL you can avoid spam by using the “beta” (been beta for 3+ years lol) “auto create” option instead of a catch-all, meaning that you can direct emails to different inboxes (or do nothing) based on specific regex strings you control — up to 100 of them. I had a catch-all regex (.*) as my # 100 and it took 2 years to receive catch-all fishing spam. Then I removed it and now have only random strings (e.g. .*fgyu.*) so new emails must have them if they want to get somewhere. Everything else bounces. All previous emails continue to work until you disable them individually.

    I use a mix:

    • SL-domains: anything I don’t give a shit about.
    • Non-PII domain: anything I would want to persist if I changed provider, but don’t need my identity, or can give out a unique email in-person.
    • PII-domain: banks and all other services tied to my identity.
    • Top-Secret-PII-domain: critical services that could compromise all others (password manager, email/OS accounts, domain name registrar).

  • Notice how you’re angry at the people who released the info instead of the people who were corrupt and deplorable? PsyOps mission accomplished!

    My understanding is that, while it’s likely the source of those leaks was Russia, it’s never been proven wikileaks withheld info about Republicans. I’ve seen the claims dozens of times, but never the evidence, so please share if you do… Otherwise, it’s insane to hate a journalist for withholding information they don’t have, just because it hurts your preferred political party.

    EDIT T+2hrs: 35% downvotes and zero replies or supporting evidence. FYI I asked the same thing on Reddit about a dozen times over the last decade, and the result was always the same — If your position is “I can find no evidence for my claims, and don’t know why I hate WikiLeaks or Assange. I just do.” then you’re probably a psychological warfare victim…

  • You know those hundred’s of billions in fossil fuel subsidies, the US has stolen from the people and given to planet killers like the Koch bros for decades? All of those could have gone to domestic renewable energy projects, and the US might not have only been able to compete, but could have been works leaders. This exact scenario was predicted when China started to heavily fund clean energy.

    The US has applied far more subsidies than China ever has; except it did so to maintain the status quo and enrich its wealthiest fossil fuel oligarchs, instead of listening to scientists and switching to clean energy. Now the same corporate oligarchs who corrupted the government to hamstring renewables for decades, are again pulling the strings and trying to further hamstring renewable adoption in the name of “national security” and “jobs” — both problems THEY willfully created for their own profit — and instead of turning their narrative against them, you continue to do their bidding and defend actions that will (conveniently) continue to enrich those same oligarchs. They are acting in their own best interests. Not yours! They never have, and they never will. Yet still they ask you to jump, and you say how high.