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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • There were others who changed sports as well… Fosbury didn’t cause the Olympic committee to implement any bans, which is to say that others arguably attempted much larger changes…

    He simply tried something way the hell off the beaten path and it caused people to think differently about how to go about doing their thing.

    Jimi wasn’t even the only revolutionary influence in his time, you could argue chuck berry had more influence at the time, you could argue Charlie christian had more influence at sorta the same time, you could argue Zeppelin, Sabbath, the Beach boys…

    Nobody came crashing into music from deep left field like Hendrix did though, just like nobody came into the Olympics from deep left field the way fosbury did (I’d argue for korbut, but nobody followed her lead due to pretty much everything she did getting banned).

    I get what you mean and don’t disagree, but I did say I was speaking to a specific context ;)

  • Hendrix. Hendrix is the fosbury of music. Dude went off in his own direction in both technical and compositional terms, and a lot of people followed.

    There’s solid points in the comments, but I feel like we’re talking about a single individual ignoring convention here, and there’s really only one answer in that context :)

  • Wildly untenable concept in modern society…

    I’m sure it would work great in a video game or something, but In the real world, this shit goes crony AF guaranteed.

    We don’t measure aptitude or ability in our society, we absolutely suck at it. A person’s ability is measured by what pedigree they purchased at degrees R us, or worse, by how articulate and verbose they were when typing a resume. Occasionally, ability is measured by how well someone likes a person even…

    Competence is valued in a very select few enterprises. Trades, IT, and at higher echelons, math nerds… That’s about it…

  • Oh I like this…

    A good chunk of the GOP isnt part of this dude’s jonestown cult, and will throw his ass under the bus the second they believe they can pull his votes. Fear of splitting the ticket is the only thing propping the dude up.

    If he continues stretching that shit too thin like this they’re gonna turn on his ass like sharks…

    I’m a little curious why “dictator for a day” didn’t do it and “hostages” did, but whatever, hopefully he reloads and takes another shot at his own feet :)

    You know, now that I think about it, the GOP should go all in on Nikki Haley… Shoot for the “genocide Joe” vote, and call the bluff on the MAGA types… They aren’t gonna vote Biden, but some of the Biden camp might vote for an anti-trump with immigrant parents… Maybe it oughta be feeding frenzy time right now… GOP? You listening?

  • A couple quotes…

    Be who you are and say what you mean, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.

    God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed, and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.

    Both are difficult in terms of original source, but the best quotes usually are ;)

    Point is, there’s three classes of problems. Most are type one - not my fucking problem.

    Type two is what you’re talking about here, your problem, but you didn’t cause it. I’ve found that like 90% of these require serenity, because you can’t fix stupid… You kinda just gotta consider that until the light bulb comes on I guess? I’ve never had any issue with this one personally, it just always seemed self evident.

    I’ve always struggled with type three, the things that are my problem and I caused them. That’s the shit I dwell on, because you can’t take it back, and sometimes, you can’t fix those either. You gotta swallow the pill on the fact that you did a stupid…

    You weren’t the guy doing the stupid, ya know?

  • Isreal isn’t defending Israel…

    And assuming you aren’t military, WE are the militia… The gaggle of “randos”… We aren’t charged with defending the US from invaders, the military is (and I was, and did). We, the militia, are charged with keeping the free state intact and secure.

    Our purpose, as “a well regulated militia”, is to show our asses up under arms if something like Jan 6th actually succeeds. All the “randos”… That’s the whole point :)

    Dems should be buying a shitload of guns right now, specifically because trump… He’s already shown the capacity to threaten the free state, he’s the first in a damned long time, and we, the “randos”, should be as ready as we can… That, as far as I’m concerned, is a damned good reason for randos to have guns (especially Dem randos)