I won’t even try, but remembering art class in school I could probably use any attempt as ad-hoc Rohrschach test 😅
I won’t even try, but remembering art class in school I could probably use any attempt as ad-hoc Rohrschach test 😅
Yeah, I guess without the prismo you either have to accept a little “loss” at the start of brewing or less water. Shouldn’t make a huge difference either way though
Are you breweing inverted? That’ll loose you some capacity. If you have very fresh beans it might also help to wait a little longer after stirring for the CO2 to get out and not have too much foam on top
Oh, thank you. I’ll have to remember that name. Might help sell the idea when I next try to get someone to taste-test it 😅
Hehe, don’t thank me yet. The general consensus seem to be that it’s an abomination from the deepest circles of hell ;)
Well the orange juice is certainly the dominant flavor and the coffee adds some nice bitter notes to it. The ginger then brings a nice spicy kick if you like that sort of thing in your food/drinks (I do, obviously)
I’d never have thought of mixing coffee and orange on my own. Same with espresso tonic. But it turns out I like both Or maybe my brain just suffers (more) damage when the room temperature exceeds 27°C 🤷
lol, good luck, I can already see them grabbing their pitchforks. And if they do let you live, ask them if they have any crazy recipes of their own and share with us ;)
I swear it’s not a joke - I do actually drink this. And the two friends I got to try it at least haven’t sued me for poisoning them, so it can’t be that bad
Beside the convenience of machine-brewed coffee I found the aeropress to be an extremly forgiving brewer. I can’t remember ever making bad coffee with it (though I’m a taste barbarian, I enjoy strong flavors, but fine nuances are lost to me, so YMMV). As such my “recipe” is dirt-simple an can be done before having coffee (that circular dependency is always a problem with other methods).
For my friend, or if I’m feeling the occasionly sweet tooth myself, I do basically the same just with 125g total water (can be added in one go, I only stirr after 100 above as it is easier and less prone to make a mess if you are too vigorous) The “missing” 125g of water are then replaced with 125g of milk (or a milk-replacement of your choice) + 5g (or 10 for the espially sweet toothed) sugar that receive the nanofoamer treatment
But as I said the Aeropress is extremly forgiving, you can diverge from the recipe quite a bit and still get good coffee. Sometimes I’m distracted and only come back to plunge after 8 minutes and the coffee is still good. Spoon was too full and now its 16g? No need to pick beans out of the grinder, that’ll work too. If you have a feeling for measurements (I don’t) you can just eyball that stuff and not sweat the details
If you are comfortable with ffmpeg you can give termux a try. I used ffmpeg through it in the past to occasionally snip out parts from mp4’s and that worked like a charm.
My two main methods are either brewing in the Aeropress but with half the amount of water, or using an espresso, as others already mentioned.
The one thing on my bucket list of things to try is “recursive iced coffee”:
I made some coffee cubes before and used them with an oat
milkinfusion? Drink? Whatever you’re supposed to call it, and that turned out very tasty