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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • The work included sanitizing dangerous equipment like head splitters, jaw pullers and meat bandsaws in hazardous conditions where animals are killed and rendered.

    One 14-year-old was severely injured while cleaning the drumstick packing line belt at the plant in Virginia, the investigation alleged.

    This is not just bad hours, it is dangerous working conditions. Putting a group that is characterized as having extremely poor risk assessment skills , struggle to even really understand consequences of actions, and making them work with heavy machinery that is extremely dangerous to life and limb. THAT is egregious neglect of child labor laws.

    The labor department has called attention to a growing list of child labor violations across the country, including the fatal mangling of a 16-year-old working at a Mississippi poultry plant, the death of a 16-year-old after an accident at a sawmill in Wisconsin, and last year’s report of more than 100 children illegally employed by Packers Sanitation Services Inc, or PSSI, across 13 meatpacking plants. PSSI paid over $1.5m in civil penalties.

    The labor department’s latest statistics indicate the number of children being employed illegally in the US has increased 88% since 2019.

    Wtf sorry what??? This is a growing problem in America HOW, WHY???

  • I’m the weirdo who always reads the privacy policy at the bare minimum. I’ve opted out of a lot of services/apps/games/sites because of their privacy policy over the years.

    Look it is bullshit they can get away with this crap but right now we only have the existing outdated legislation to work with. The absolute explosion of how technology and social media impacts the world has changed RAPIDLY in the last 15 years. It was once quaint that Obama did reddit AMA or posted a tweet.

    So my point is yes be mad but ultimately it is out responsibility to be proactive with the tools that we have, and that’s privacy policies and ToS. Like you’re skipping through the villain’s monologe laying out every step of their evil plan then shocked at the consequences.

  • In my experience if you’re only finding one or two apartments in your price range out of a ton…

    1. You can’t afford to live there. Everything costs more. Sales tax, gas, groceries, water, all entertainment, etc

    2. Those places you can afford probably don’t exist or are cheap for a very good reason (bad area/property)

    I suggest looking around closer to you or where you have a saftey net or support, then look in those areas. Research the city look for lgbtq events or clubs etc. I hope you find your little haven !