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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • atx_aquarian@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMerry Christmas
    7 months ago

    This interpretation is valid. But I recently learned to see it a different way.

    If you’ll humor me, please consider this. Since Santa knows if you’ve been “bad or good,” he knows the other reindeer have been bullies to poor Rudolph. And, while a red glowing nose is cool, it’s not a useful fog light. It’s just not.

    So Santa “uh oh!” had an emergency where, for the first time ever, the fog was going to be too thick all over the world to deliver presents?

    Nope, he set up Rudolph in a position to “lead” his peers in a situation that maybe needed a little help but was not, in any way, a true, worldwide magic-assed Santa emergency. Santa knew how to guide his reindeer to accept each other. The story of Rudolph was not about Rudolph doing something to prove himself. It was about recognizing a Rudolph in need and helping him rise to the occasion to bring him closer to his peers in a way that could heal division.

    Rudolph isn’t about how to triumph as a Rudolph. It’s about how to be a good Santa.

    (Edit: For everyone who already thought this was obvious in the story, thanks for letting this Rudolph have his epiphany anyway.)

  • Ah, I should have said “from a domain you own or one of their own”.

    The use case I’m talking about, which is the use of arbitrary domains, not Proton-provided ones and not domains you own and control.

    I see that Simple Login provides aliases from its own domains, but not a way to use an arbitrary domain.

    Proton’s address support overview mentions organizational addresses, but clarifies in the same doc that this is referring to a business plan where that whole organization will be using Proton.

    Proton’s switching guide discusses forwarding, and it only instructs the user to tell their contacts about the new Proton address, which defeats the purpose of forwarding addresses.

    Here is further discussion about the missing functionality.

    Meanwhile, Google lets you use up to 99 of your own email addresses from whatever domains they are.