Queer✨Anarchist Anti-fascist

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023


  • I can’t say I’ve experienced pride a decade ago, since I’ve been closeted for years and only recently had the epiphany that I can just show up as an undercover ally now that it’s more socially acceptable to have solidarity with the queers.

    I can see where you are coming from. Before I realized I was queer, I was an ally and I thought about it a similar way, happy to see people support a group one of my friends belonged to that has suffered historically.

    I think our difference of opinion is summed up by your last paragraph:

    no, those rainbow ads don’t mean anything more than the green and red ones in December, or the red hearts in February. But the fact that corporations are openly showing support without fear of death threats, or “more importantly” losing money, means something to me.

    I genuinely don’t care about symbolic actions. I worry that corporations will heel turn the moment it is no longer safe or profitable to pander to the queers. Having rainbows in june does feel nice, but I’ve come to notice that it merely distracts me from the pain of the closet.

    I think it’s more important that pride comes from a stronger base than the whim of a corporation chasing profit. As long as we are profitable, we get support. The moment things change, we lose it all.

    I also have a problem with the corporatization of pride. When I went to my local pride parade, I wouldn’t be allowed to march, since I wasn’t a member of an organization/corporation, since pride was no longer for the people, it was for the corporation.

    Queer protestors interrupted the parade to try and stand in solidarity with Palestinians, and they were beaten by the cops. Pride used to be a protest, but now protest was no longer possible in pride.

    When unaffiliated queers tried to march through the street, cops blocked them and were preparing to arrest people before that crowd took a different route. Had that group of people been an employee of the local military contractor, they would have been able to stroll down the road with them unopposed.

    My expression of pride was reduced to standing on the sidelines and watching corporations parade down the street with rainbow banners, interrupted by real people in organizations. There was a sterility of the corporate floats compared to a random organization marching down the road.

    For example, there was a group of furries marching down the streets in their fursuits and the pride flags that represent them. There were multiple groups of drag queens strutting down the street with a car following them blasting music. These displays had a completely different feel than seeing some airline company march down the street with their little carts throwing pride themed merch at us.

    To me, the big thing I want is solidarity, and corporations are incapable of giving that. And solidarity is what is going to matter if things come crashing down around us.

  • I’m in the closet. I’ve only told a small group of friends who are enough degrees of separation away from my family that I don’t need to worry too much about it getting out. I haven’t told my family or most of my friends, considering that a mistake would result in that side of my family knowing. I’m bi and probably nonbinary.

    I have some very bigoted family, fuck em. I don’t mind burning bridges with them, even though it would hurt for a little while. This family has cheered for the deaths of queer people, such as Nix Benedict. They have supported calls for genocide against queers, they have a huge amount of bigotry.

    However, about 10-12 years ago, there was a debate over the existence of queer people in my family, regarding a string of current events about lgbt rights. My grandma, was the only person on that side of the US who supported the right for queer people to exist. My bigoted family was so upset that they just cut her out. She was blocked by that side of the family on social media, they’d drop her calls, and wouldn’t visit. My grandma was devastated. After the death of my grandfather, she was even more isolated, having nobody within 400 miles who would talk to her. Though she met up with the whole family to mourn for the funeral, she was still isolated for another month after it, until things healed a few months later and she was able to talk with that side of the family again.

    I refuse to be the person who is the wedge in my family. I know my grandma good enough that she would still love and support me as a queer person, but I refuse to cause another split in my family that would harm my already very lonely and isolated grandma.

    Even as an otherwise militant queer who had no problem coming out in a rough area like where I used to live, I draw the line on harming vulnerable people like my grandma. I just hate this situation so much.

  • bl_r@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoaww@lemmy.worldToo smol
    2 months ago

    I wish my cats were too small to press my keys

    I’ll get up to get coffee and see my cat loafing on the numpad and there’s a slack message of a bunch of random numbers still getting typed

    And she bites me when I try and push her off!

  • I skimmed the article and I see your concern, but my skepticism remains because of the inherent assumption that instagram is trustworthy and not already tinkering with their own algorithms. Just because the company is American owned doesn’t make it any more or less trustworthy in my opinion. I think the framing is flawed, but that doesn’t discount the concerns with things that are pro-taiwan having such a small presence

    I do think a big reason why tiktok is now being held to the flame is the fact there is so much dissent on it. Younger Americans are becoming increasingly anti-israel and more critical of the US’s stance on foreign policy.

    Instead of reacting hastily and banning tiktok I think a better action would be placing the same criticisms on domestic companies. Instead, I think we should make companies much more transparent in how they use their algorithms and filter content. Instead of getting upset that one company is censoring, and making them sell to a US company, we should instead prevent censorship more broadly.

    edit: made point a bit more clear

  • As someone on the far left, no, I don’t know a single person who thinks trump would be better. You would have to intentionally not understand the logic behind leftist views in order to think that anyone who holds such beliefs would think that.

    There is no compromising when it comes to some issues. Issues such as human rights, minority rights, and most obviously genocide, can only be dealt with in a single way. Human rights must be respected. Minority rights must be respected. Genocide must be prevented at all costs.

    To simplify things, if your main desire at the polls is a candidate who will prevent genocide, what difference is there between someone who quietly supports 80% of the genocidal regime, or the person who loudly supports 100% of it. Something like pragmatically saying 20% is wrong because it reduces the value of human life to simple statistics, and accepts a 20% reduction in the most abhorrent crime against humanity as a good thing. It would be like saying something absurd like “the ottomans were the good guys, they genocided less than the nazis who were only bad because their death toll was higher. If we consider the genocide of indigenous peoples in the americas, the nazis are good guys!!1!”

    I’d also like to add that people on the left, especially those on the far left, have also have less reason to vote for biden. He is a centrist liberal desperately trying to appear progressive. While he has some policies that I’ve liked, his platform doesn’t represent my (or any libertarian socialist/anarchist) values on any meaningful level. It took me 3 years to notice one of his policies that got through. At that point, it’s just saying “Vote for the lesser evil,” and hoping that the person being told that doesn’t realize you are asking you are still asking them to vote for an objectively evil candidate.