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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 2nd, 2024


  • Yeah especially the rate of improvements right now. It’s wild how many features are added annually. Audio tools alone are going through a meteoric improvement cycle. It’s baffling what I can do now that wasn’t even theorized by the industry 5 years ago.

    Resolve is great and the free version is very robust. Don’t try to learn it all. Learn how to import, cut, export. Then learn how to color. Then transform. Whatever you need as you need it.

    Their tutorials are also very excellent

    Edit: thinking more on this subject, I think if someone really wanted to take a crack at this they need to focus on automatic correction/repair tools.

  • 3 of them are about themes (2 of the 3 are the same so it’s 2 things about themes), and they just added ripple delete?

    Long road ahead. Especially with Resolve doing more in a quarter than projects like this do in a few years. I get it’s not meant to compete with Hollywood/commercial grade NLE’s but frankly the gap between them seems to just get wider and wider every year. I feel like most NLE’s that aren’t part of the big 4 (Adobe/Avid/Black Magic/Final Cut limping along) just can’t get past a very simplistic “you can cut and rearrange” proposition. Blender integration is the major exception here, which is admittedly very useful! But idk. I seek more FLOSS/FOSS stuff where I can and NLE’s just always seem so underpowered I can’t justify even learning them.

    I just can’t help but call out how the “game changer” is it looks more polished. It’s important to have a good UI/sleek look but “game changer”? I expected to read about a feature/tool.

    Edit: I really want to be fair to the developers here, because what they are doing is no small task. But the major hurdle here is convincing people to learn their particular NLE when there are so many out there and a lot of them are a little more standardized but still very distinct with their own learning curves. So every minute you spend learning this one, you’re not learning another one that may be more useful/applicable for what you need. But hey, to those of you who use this software and get use out of it, that’s awesome. I don’t want to discourage folks or act like this thing is useless. i’m just not sure what the future is for projects like this.

  • Except that’s not a problem in many countries so I don’t know why it has to be this way. US media ownership laws are among the worst in the world in that they are basically non-existent. It’s always been like this because we lack imagination and the companies are greedy as hell.

    Like people act like this is a new problem with digital media, but it is actually the case with physical media too - there are all sorts of restrictions about what you can and can’t do with it. We basically don’t own anything media-wise, we never have. The difference is now they can enforce it more strategically and effectively with digital downloads.

  • That’s a good point - voting for it!

    For my purposes I have a second proton email for things I may want to keep credentials for which I filter out, and the simple logins are almost always complete burners so I end up deleting half of them anyway. The moment I start getting unwanted spam I touch the simple login accounts and start making new ones.

    As someone with many hobbies I get things from all sorts of sites so it’s just kind of necessary if I don’t want to drown in spam lol

  • It’s glorified receipts that are billed as far more secure than they actually are looking for a problem to solve. The entire usage is people treating it like a casino, just like cryptocurrency. I guarantee you “small” artists and such, the people that are always paraded around as the beneficiaries, are not using it in any appreciable number. Those that tried simply lost some money in the endless sea of “get rich quick” schemes they were sadly duped into participating in. Crypto bros just decided to target creatives, as if they need to be victimized more.

    NFT’s are not helping people in any appreciable number. It’s just another relationship of people getting rich on the backs of a bunch of bag holders sold a false promise.