They can also on their subject.
They can also on their subject.
I love the idea, the apps look useful and I am stoked to check them out. Can anyone contribute?
I looked up sixty fouurrr a few days ago and was shocked to see 18 years ago.
What’s a Nazi, again? I knew in high school but since then it’s become really hard to keep track of.
I love jack in the box curly fries with their taco sauce.
1gbps symmetrical
I have 2 vcpu (host) for the pfsense vm, xeon e5-2667 3.2ghz, i see both cpu hit about 80% max during speed tests.
pfsense ce 2.7.2-RELEASE
my isp also does pppoe, i have a virtual pfsense, 1gbps up/down, it’s never been an issue for me. ive had this setup for maybe three years.
You’re saying “there’s a reason reputable economists say”, as if there aren’t reputable economists also saying something else, like “tariffs are a tool and predicting impact is difficult if not impossible due to complexity”. So, whats the point in mentioning that “reputable economists say” unless you’re pandering to an appeal to authority. Economists are just people and can make mistakes, entire groups of people like “reputable economists” can have the wrong ideas at the same time, or collectively jump to conclusions. I don’t care what economists say, I care about why they say it and if it makes sense. Your point is “there’s a reason why” and you load this with “reputable”. How do you qualify reputable and what is the reason they say? Could they be wrong and if not, why is there an economy at all?
Engineers make mistakes all the time too. The idea that an engineer can’t be wrong about engineering and a layman can’t comprehend even intuitively understand engineering concepts is exactly what an appeal to authority is about.
I’m having a hard time connecting what you’re saying and my point. I also don’t really care what economists are saying, I don’t automatically assume economists are correct because they are economists. I understand tariffs are not good, which is why I said “ultimately”, and nothing that you have said yet has changed that opinion, but I am open. I didn’t even disagree with many of your statements I just didn’t see how they connect.
Google “byd china car sell at a loss” and “chicken tax”.
You will see price wars or the race to the bottom in the auto industry and you will see how tariffs on imported cars are one way we have protected domestic manufacturing.
Well the console example demonstrates long term payout strategies. Another example is in free to play games with microtransactions. You develop a game at a cost, you give it away for free, and you hope that it’s good enough to hook people and get them to spend on “hats”. It’s a lot of money up front to make more later.
This assumes the local product wasn’t already cost competitive. If they are close and you slap a tariff on the import that adds further incentive to pick local. Assuming local would capitalize on the added revenue via reinvestment/expansion, it would create jobs and more demand, may even make the product or services even more affordable.
I thought it was targetted but again in California its all items sold are taxed and some at a higher rate.
I’m glad you started your dissertation with “the way you x is via y” because it immediately informed me that I was reading the work of an expert genius and as a smooth brain, when a genius writes, I read.
One question, wouldn’t higher prices on imported cements sort of make local cements automatically cheaper, giving them an advantage without asking them to cut corners? In a free market you will often see a “race to the bottom” on goods, whereby manufactures and producers will cut costs so low that they lose money, so long as there is some other incentives that would lead to profit. Video game consoles are a common example. The console is sold at a loss with the expectation that they will make up the difference on the consumables, games and related services.
If local competitors can produce for lower cost than competitors it may drive more people, who generally just want to save money, to local businesses, creating demand, driving growth.
I do ultimately think tariffs will be good for the US. I feel bad for other countries I guess, but I think the US needs to be more productive.
California, seen as a relatively “progressive” state, has a sales tax on everything, and pretty extreme sin taxes. A tariff is like a sales tax, and a sin tax on specific imports.
This is a reasonable take but ngl I’m still a little sus.
It’s strange to me how quickly I get +/- feedback on lemmy compared to actual comments and the replies that I get are almost always zero effort compared to what I get on reddit.
I get the feeling its normal for lemmy users to create multiple accounts and use them to sort of multiply their votes. What’s worse is mods can see who is voting and so should be able to do something about it… so are they as guilty?
I’m running 70b on two used 3090 and an a6000 nvlink. I think i got these for $900ea, and maybe $200 for the nvlink. Also works great.
It’s not just Indian. There’s an Ethiopian church down the street, every sunday our block is full of Teslas, two of them are cyber trucks. So weird.