• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • It’s almost as if the generation that taught us to “decide with your heart”, “do what you love”, “you can be everything you dream of”, etc.etc. has suddenly decided to focus and rule the world by irrelevant talking points instead of staying true to their own beliefs and teaching.

    I hope that whatever happens in the next decade at the dying breath of that generation will not set the precedent for following inhabitants of this planet. I, being gen-x, am doing as much as I can to enable people to younger than me to have better opportunities than I ever had. (Union stuff.)

    The difference being that I acknowledge that younger people are more capable. My parents generation never understood that. They still cling to the belief that age equals wisdom. Maybe their parents taught them that. There is some truth to it, but he cutting point is a lot lower than they believe. The peak of capability is probably closer to 25 than 80…

    Edit. Anyway. The world depends on the American election. Mostly because the world needs USA to be successful in order to maintain a stable balance in world politics. The last Trump period was basically what fucked it up in the first place and I have no expectations of it being any better at a second term, on the contrary.

    Please vote for Biden. Sure, he’s old (please attend to primaries next time…) and Hillary was too, but Trump is still the most senile of them all. I get it. It was funny to vote in some jackass to stir shit up, but that’s not really what happened. All he achieved was to play golf and let radical idiots run the place down…

    It’s not even about the talking points. He spits in every direction, so it doesn’t even matter. He will not fulfill any of the most modest expectations of any of the talking points whether or not you agree with them. He’s going to play golf and let random asslickers run the place, again. That’s not democracy.

  • Yes, sure it can. Mashed/blended spaghetti bolognese or lasagna are available as baby food.

    Baby food products are basically just ordinary food blended and packed in smaller convenient portions. Simply look at the package to see what it contains.

    Cat and dog foods are completely different kinds of food, which is often made from animal biproducts and not suitable for human consumption.

  • No, it’s just one guy on a sit mower. It collects it as it goes or leaves it on the ground.

    On larger roads they use a “roadside mower” which is a tractor with a robot arm trimmer that leaves the grass in the ditch. Still just one guy.

    The latest development is to spread “wild” flowers instead of grass in the roadside. Supposedly to increase biodiversity, but I think it’s mostly virtue signalling. A roadside next to heavy traffic isn’t a great habitat for insects anyway. They also used one-season flower seeds, so they will have to seed it every year…which makes no sense for this purpose. On the positive side, it looks pretty and hopefully creates some awareness of the issue.

  • A xylophone has wooden bars.

    A marimba is a xylophone with resonator tubes.

    A glockenspiel is a xylophone with metal bars.

    A metal marimba is a marimba with metal bars (or a glockenspiel with resonator tubes).

    A vibraphone is a metal marimba with a motor spinning a disc inside the resonators which can create a vibrato and it has a damper (sustain pedal).

  • Looks fine. You have better screen estate, 7.5 posts while I only have 6 posts on a screen.

    I think the reason why I changed from Jerboa was the data usage at the time (July last year). It’d download the entire picture instead of thumbnails. Sometimes it lagged.

    The reason why I liked RiF was basically only that I had used it so much that I knew where everything was. I’ve been using Connect long enough that I’m not eager to switch at the moment.