Perpetually tired mental health counselor, sometimes retro game streamer, comedian, Mensan, coffee connoisseur, bacon lover, chronic pain survivor, nefarious pirate, and generally all-round nice dude…

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Capt. Wolf@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlPiracy
    1 month ago

    Sites like that saved me thousands getting my psych degree. God bless professors like this. Also the ones who were like, “the new edition of the book you need for this semester is $500, but you can get the previous edition for $5 at this site. Here’s copies of the pages that were changed.” or “I photocopied every page you need for this semester from the book for all of you.”

  • Can’t say how many times I’ve thought about this the past couple years.

    I still have both my parents, but both are about to hit their 70s and their health is already not great. There’s a fast approaching time coming where I’ll never be able to hear their voices again. My dad’s said “love ya” so few times in my life, not because he doesn’t, but he’s from that upbringing where you don’t really say that stuff. He finally picked it up from me a few years ago and now says it any time he sees me. I’ve ended up saving voicemails he and my mom leave, just so I can at least hear their voices again when they’re gone.

    Appreciate the time you get with the people you love. It’s easy to take for granted that they’re always there. Someday they won’t be and it’ll be quicker than you can imagine when it happens.