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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • I am literally a Linux system admin, I bang on a command line interface for a living.

    But I don’t use Linux at home, it’s just so much work. Every single thing is complicated. Last time I really tried in earnest to switch to a full Linux setup I was somewhere in the middle of a quick and easy 24-step process to get my webcam working, compiling the drivers from a modified source - and it was just a moment that broke me. Like, I’ve been working on this for an hour and I know I can do it but this is stuff I don’t even think about with windows.

    So I broke down and bought Windows 10. It’s what I was trying to avoid, being a tight ass and didn’t want to buy an new OS.

    I just don’t have the patience to troubleshoot every tiny thing like a big endeavor. I can, I just don’t want to. Everything I install, every peripheral I connect, it’s always a big deal getting it to work. Heck with that, not worth the trouble.

  • I have a set of screwdrivers that I’m pretty sure came from the dollar store, and they’re the favorite tool I have.

    Used to work in IT and those screwdrivers disassembled many hundreds of computers, maybe over a thousand. They’re magnetized just right too, so I can put a screw on the tip and place it with the tool instead of by hand. They’re small, fit in your pocket, very convenient.

    I’ve tried several times to replace them with something nicer but I never prefer the more expensive tool.

  • Historically this group has been responsible for an absolute shitload of spam and outright attacks.

    I was doxxed by them. They had links to a discord group that included my full name, address, email, and phone number. There was a whole list, it’s one of the first reasons they were quarantined. There was a comment that read “anyone with spare bullets can send them here”.

    This is a lot more than “I simply don’t agree with that community”. They are trash who will trash up any platform they can reach.

  • And that was indicated when they migrated to Voat. Nobody else used Voat, it was just them. Also when reddit changed their policies to prevent one sub from appearing on the front page more than once.

    The whole point is to be obnoxious in spaces where it isn’t welcome. When they realized they couldn’t do that on a platform that only consisted of them, there was no incentive to engage. The whole point is to shit up a platform enjoyed by others, and that’s exactly what they’ll do here.

  • Also, I find that basically every search result that isn’t reddit is sponsored content.

    Search something real specific like “Best aftermarket injector coils for a 2009 Toyota Corolla” and you’re going to get 100% advertisements and listicles for search results, likely written by somebody who doesn’t know shit about cars.

    Append “reddit” to that search, and you’ll be led to a post from a car mechanic giving their opinion on the matter. And, well, I do trust a random stranger on the internet more than I do an advertisement.

  • I don’t know what people see in that game. Friends talked me into buying it, and it just feels like it’s punishing you for playing it.

    First boss annihilates you. Okay, that was an intentional thing. First thing you encounter after that annihilates you. Okay, that’s showing that some enemies aren’t meant to be fought. There are some soldiers, they aren’t too bad, then after you get past them there’s a boss that annihilates you. Well let’s go exploring, found myself in a swamp where just being there kills you.

    Okay, that isn’t fun.

    Go this way you’re dead, go that way you’re dead, try something new you’re dead, explore you’re dead.

  • I’ll admit I’m in that category.

    When really pressed I’ll just say something like “I don’t go to any church” or “I don’t believe in those things”. Only in trusted company will I say the words “I am an atheist”.

    It’s easier that way, and people don’t need to know anyway. To me, atheism means complete separation from religion, and caring about it enough to tell everybody is akin to practicing a religion. I think one should consider what they gain from using the word atheist, and what harm it might cause, and make a decision based on that. If you really don’t care about religion, then there’s little need to talk about it.