The right one definitely has the look of disbelief lol
The right one definitely has the look of disbelief lol
To me it almost looks like someone photoshopped a face on an interesting rock lol
I‘m sure with that name, everyone‘s having a good time cracking jokes and Boomer‘s excited for all the attention they get, brilliant! (I know, they probably didn‘t name the dog after that but the result‘s the same)
Get offerings ready to worship your new bamboo overlords
Perfectly mildly interesting
Unbelievable that the chef told you lol
I‘m not an expert, does anyone know what breed that dog is? It looks so cute
If I ever get a cat (hopefully), then I hope it‘s gonna have that kinda zen personality
Did it go through multiple colors when you had notifications from different apps at the same time?
That would‘ve startled the bejesus outta me if I had my AirPods in trying to sleep lol