Spent years on reddit after Google+ closed, my hopes are now with the Threadiverse

I’m interested in (among many, many other things):
TTRPGs, board games, longboarding, SUP / paddleboarding, and mechanical keyboards.
Yes, I realize that’s a lot of “boards” in that list. :)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • So, Gloomhaven and Betrayal at the House on the Hill (D&D edition). It baffles me that they didn’t mention the actual D&D board games and instead listed two TTRPG systems plus the trashy campaign module for one of them.

    Then again, people who are into D&D often really only are into D&D and not willing to branch out very far so that tracks.
    Kind of surprised at Gloomhaven being suggested because it has a dungeon crawl theme over a good Euro hand-management engine and most D&Ders are probably scratching their heads at that.

  • The Isofarian Guard is amazing if you happen to be up for a story-heavy campaign game to play either solo or with another person. I got the first printing and am exstatic, that they only charge 39€ for the new content and previous backers get all of the updated materials bundled in for free. That is exactly how you turn me into a loyal customer.

    On the other hand, Board Game Tycoon decided that everything outside of the US no longer exists, so I can’t even buy the Everdell-related stuff I’d like because it simply isn’t available in the EU at all. That is how you spit into a (formerly loyal) customer’s face.

  • No, never been. I just looked whether there are any in the wider region but looks like only bigger cities have any, so an hour by car minimum.
    I don’t even have any LGS though, so a BGC would have positively surprised me.

    I think I would like to visit a really nice one at some point just to try the experience. On the whole I prefer to play my own games - and to buy the games I prefer to play, needless to say - but going to a café with a nice small group and seeing what games they have could be neat.

  • It used to be Relay for me as well. Other apps had neat features I wish Relay had gotten as well, but I couldn’t get away from its neat UI and UX even though I tried pretty much every third-party reddit app there was.

    I’m certainly sad to leave a handful of my favorite communities behind but Reddit overall can burn down for all I care. Even before the API BS and Huffmann lying through his teeth the Reddit experience had gotten more and more annoying aside from the coziest of subreddits.

    Time to move on and perhaps some of the app devs try their hand at a sleek threadiverse app with all of the QoL goodies.

  • Aeon Trespass: Odyssey without a doubt. It’s expansive, complex, punishing, rich and has such an amazing narrative.
    Heavy campaign games that tell a story are what I am all about and AT:O is the pinnacle of this for me at this point.

    That said, I also enjoy Frosthaven quite a bit (Gloomhaven as well because the mechanics are sublime, but the story is definitely a weak point); Legacy of Dragonholt is basically a solo-RPG in a board game box; Sleeping Gods is simpler but nice; Tainted Grail, Etherfields and ISS Vanguard are very neat narratively especially when taking the edge off the resource grind; and finally I am looking forward to the second printing of Oathsworn to fulfill.
    Oh, The Hunters A.D. 2114 has been very neat too and I’m looking forward to the new The Hunters A. D. 1492 whenever that is done.

    So many great story campaign games and so little time .(especially when getting a group to commit)