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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • How are you able to see what’s going on at Twitter? Do you work there in a position where you have a decent overview of the company?
    And sure, he might totally run Twitter into the ground. Like I said, I wouldn’t put money into the company. But it’s about where every other company he has run was, so I wouldn’t bet against his success there either.
    The idea that if he fails at making Twitter a success means he is an idiot and Tesla and SpaceX are a fluke are delusional though.

  • You mean invested in it. Then took over as CEO when the board voted the former CEO out because he was spending everything they had without getting close to producing a car they could manufacture.
    Telsa never produced any cars until Musk was running it.
    The continued success under his leadership for the ramp ups for the Model S and and full on ramp up to mass manufacturing the Model 3 kind of demonstrates that. To say nothing of Spacex.
    \What did Eberhard do after Tesla again?
    Saying he did nothing of consequence at SpaceX would be claiming that everyone who worked with him there is flat out lying. People don’t talk smack about their former employers even if they don’t like them or think they are idiots… But they don’t make an effort to praise their abilities in that case either. I’m thinking it is more likely that you aren’t exactly in a position to know more than they do.

    Twitter would be the only mature company with any previous success that he actually ever bought into and the only one he did not build from the ground up. Eberhard building a crap foundation that needed a lot of rebuilding doesn’t count.

    I know you don’t want any of this to be true because he’s a dick. But the world isn’t a Hollywood movie where the bad guys get what you think they deserve and only the nice people are brilliant.

  • “Stealing ideas” isn’t a thing. Ideas are a dime a dozen. Prototypes are much rarer. The even more difficult part is taking things and mass manufacturing them in a way that people can afford and also want.
    There’s no scam to manufacturing a million cars a year. Nor is SpaceX remotely a scam.
    No matter how much of a dick he is on Twitter it doesn’t mean he is stupid and can’t build and organize companies that work really, really well. Nothing about doing that depends on someone being a “good” or likeable person.
    I don’t worship anyone. But I don’t make up reality just to fit with my beliefs about how things should be according to my ideology.

  • I agree and don’t think everything boils down to individual responsibility. That said, unless you want some elites deciding what’s best for all of us plebs, we have to make certain choices. And the people using services aren’t going to vote in the people who will tell them they can’t use them any more than people with low mpg cars and trucks are going to vote for people who will pass a carbon tax.

    New communications tech is always disruptive. People rail against social media, for good reason. But the internet is far less disruptive, at least in the negative sense, than the printing press was. At least so far. Knock on wood. Not that Russia isn’t trying.

  • I worked as a server and in coffee shops and yes, they most certainly are. Not all, but plenty. People generally fly to other countries much, much more than they used to. It’s not just the wealthy any more, at all.

    undefined> I can’t think of any other plausible explanation.

    Housing is scarce and much more expensive for starters. Middle class people like using housing as an investment and vote to keep housing scarce because of that. It’s not just the .1% that are voting for those policies.
    China has a whole lot more income inequality too but much less poverty and a much larger middle class than before. The world as a whole does. Those two dynamics are not that related. Income inequality can grow whether the middle class is growing or not and can grow or decline whether there are more people in poverty or less.