Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!

Check out for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024

  • Lemmy is pretty rounded for me, but it depends on if I place my tongue against the back of my teeth when pronouncing the L or not. If the tongue sticks past the teeth and touches the cutting edge of the teeth when I pronounce the L then the first part of the shape is sharp, of the back of the teeth then the whole shape is round. Regardless, the right half of the shape is rounded. Sort of the opposite of the shape of the word spike (not a spike shape, oddly enough). Spike is round on the left, sharp on the right. Sp is round, K is sharp.

    Brains are weird.

  • Yeah… I see where you’re coming from, but… Just no. I’m a caregiver for my mother, and it’s very similar to what others are talking about. Being responsible for someone you love can be a wonderful thing. If you don’t want kids, don’t have them, if you’re not close to your parents, don’t agree to be their caregiver. But that sort of familial love, knowing that you are doing what you can to make life as good as possible for another human is an amazing feeling, even when it’s frustrating. Even if there are massive hormonal changes in parents when they have kids, which there are, it doesn’t negate anything about the love they feel for their children. Babies are not manipulating you. Hormones help us form those bonds, but the bonds are real nonetheless.

  • Well, I know what my craft project for the weekend is! I’m gonna be making paw print art with my puppies!

    When my cat died we got a plaster cast made of his paw prints, and it’s something very special and dear to us. I’d like to do something like this before tragedy strikes, so it isn’t so tinged with sadness.