No joke I assumed it was going to be raided by the time I could use it anyway. Was really cheering for that asteroid/was looking to that as God’s reset button.
average man by day, average man by night. / you get more points being on lemmy than you do on reddit / movie enthusiast / /u/doug on reddit
No joke I assumed it was going to be raided by the time I could use it anyway. Was really cheering for that asteroid/was looking to that as God’s reset button.
But it’s so catchy!
Don’t ask where the bodies are, don’t tell where the bodies are.
Hm, had no idea this existed/should not have been surprised. Thanks for plugging it!
Um, Cade: The Tortured Crossing? It’s like you’ve never heard of Neil Breen.
It’s made the migration from Reddit as smooth as butter. It’s like I never left.
And what’s the only good kind of Nazi? 🤔
Did he use a chair for the slam? Perhaps he put him in a headlock?
Yeah Oolong’s my jam. I just wish I knew an admirable character that liked Oolong.
Podcast app for Means Morning News. Community radio apps for their stations (I’m in Portland).
I’ve heard the climate crisis isn’t helping. More carbon dioxide in the air, the less we think good.
I’ve been meaning to get the one that glides closed instead of slams/has to be guided down. I had one at my old place and was too lazy to uninstall it come moving time. I regret that every day.
As a never-smoker who knows all the downsides to smoking, the one point I do concede about the habit is it DOES look very cool.
Vaping just does not compare.
As much as I love to see the upper crust eat each other, I just wish the fallout was more palpable for everyone at the bottom.
I’m sure the finger wagging keeps him up at night.
My are there obituaries in the obituaries column?
Customize your feed and/or block whatever you want to filter it, buddy. There’s a Reddit exodus because of American-centered events, so you’re going to see American-centric news and Reddit-bashing stories in some default feeds for a bit. Filter it out and move on.
No problem, I’ll just eat less plastic!
…oh wait.
I’m surprised the percentage is less the older the bracket got. I’d think I’d go hog wild the older I’d get. Credit card for all! Max it out in a blaze of glory!
More like a six foot turkey.
Startup idea: OkCupid but for communes. Matchmake a commune of people together. Can chunks of society go on without these management leeches?