they certainly shouldn’t have been voting but no one wants to think about putting up barriers to keep idiots out of democracy.
they certainly shouldn’t have been voting but no one wants to think about putting up barriers to keep idiots out of democracy.
it’s really not about blaming voters anymore. that ship sailed. i had been calling for a conservative purge for the last 10 years but nobody listened to me. i don’t know if we can stop what’s coming now.
history won’t do shit if it’s controlled by tech billionaires until they destroy the planet.
so what does that mean for solutions?
do something about it
you’re not wrong but i feel like we’re dumbing it down to keep making it about race and slavery. this is just hierarchy. they want hierarchy because they’re already the ones in control. they want to reinforce that control and they will use it against anyone, regardless of race.
this is about the owners vs. the people. we will need a lot of support to fight this monster.
a voter base of idiots that need to be dealt with the same way
if you know what’s coming, you make a preemptive strike.
of course it is, and yes it’s sad. now do something about it.
the only answer. don’t care about how we got here. no need to highlight their hypocrisy. we move forward from here. keep making the calls until it’s deafening.
awww. that’s gonna hurt their fee fees. well, i sure am glad we figured out how to stop fascism.
if you’re still waiting on conservatives to change their tune because you pointed out their hypocrisy, then you kinda just deserve whatever you get.
if you got nothing left to lose, take some bad guys with you
if you’re too old to fight, help organize a local leftist militia.
if you don’t want to get involved directly, help amplify the message that we have to take the fight to them.
if you don’t want to end up on a list, help develop and distribute forms of encrypted communication software.
if you can’t do any of that, i don’t know, go live in the woods or something.
just please, please stop participating in these online circle jerks where we pacify ourselves with meaningless platitudes. these are the antithesis of helpful to the cause.
actually, if we could remove the sociopaths from power, it would allow academics to over. it’s not that hard to engineer a society where people aren’t like they are now. we’re learned behavior creatures. it’s possible to unlearn what we know now and teach our children to never be this way again.
when you stick your hand on a hot stove and feel pain, it’s so you know to do something about it. you don’t want to shut that off.
anybody know where they live?
gatekeepers have historically existed for a reason.