• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Not all lactose free milk is equal. Look for ultra-filtered lactose free milk. The extra sweetness is caused by adding an enzyme that breaks down lactose into smaller, simpler sugars, e.g. glucose. Your body is better at tasting these sugars, and so you notice the sweetness more.

    Ultra-filtered milk removes the brunt of the lactose before they add the latase enzyme, and thus there will be less simple sugar for your body to notice, resulting in a less-sweet milk.

    Oat milk or water won’t add the body or depth you’re looking for. Depending on the particular beans, roast, and brewing method, milk might enhance the flavor profile. Similar to sugar and salt enhancing cacao. Yes, you lose nuanced notes, but no, that’s not a bad thing if the overall profile is improved.

    You can also try blending different milks. Maybe you like 90-10 oat/whole milk or 70:30 ultra filtered/macadamia.

    Perhaps go to a local shop during a slow period and ask if you can get a cup of coffee black and a flight of alternative milks. Whatever you do, have fun doing it!

  • Sounds like you’re anxious, which will lead to a stressful experience no matter where you’re seated. Airports tend to be large, crowded, confusing, and loud, with people constantly rushing around.

    The best way to improve your travel experience is to find techniques that help relax you as much as possible.

    If it’s a short haul flight, save yourself some hassle and put the seat selection out of your mind. You can use the time you would be worrying about and changing your seat to improve on ways you self-calm in stressful environments.

    If the flight is more than a couple of hours, I’d recommend switching to a window or aisle. The benefit of the aisle seat is you can occasionally stretch your legs in the aisle, and more importantly, you can leave your seat unimpeded. The window gives you something to lean on, as well as cool views, particularly during takeoff and landing. If you’re a nervous flyer that might be a negative.

    I find it helpful to remember that just because everyone else is in a rush, you don’t have to be. You don’t have to run to your terminal, you don’t have to rush to the front of the boarding line. You don’t need to be the first on or off the plane. You can get to the airport a tad early, to give yourself time to walk slowly and rest as you need it.

    There’s ample staff at just about every airport, if you don’t know where to go or what to do, ask them. Same is true on the plane itself, the flight crew is available to assist you.

    Enjoy your trip!

  • One of the big advantages of a victorinox is that they’re designed to be essentially maintenance free. As far as I can tell, the intention is that if you leave it in a bag, drawer, car, or just lose it under the couch for a decade, it will be ready to perform when you need it.

    Another great benefit is that you can play around with different maintenance routines and find a system that works for you without worrying about corrosion or excessive wear. Try different oils, try it dry, see how it responds.

    Clean it with water, compressed air, alcohol, or whatever else you feel like trying. Keep in mind that naturally derived oils will go rancid over time and if you’re too thick, it’ll go sticky.

    A similar design philosophy is used with the blade, they are super easy to resharpen. It’s a great blade to learn how to repair and sharpen. It also doesn’t require oiling, but nothing is stopping you from trying it. Just stick to something food-grade so you can use it worry-free on meal prep if you have to.

    Lastly, the most important thing you can do to prolong the life of your tool is to learn the limits of the tool set. No matter how well you generally maintain it, using it abusively once will break it.

    You’ve got yourself a fine little knife, I hope it serves you well for years to come.