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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Well, the House already passed Ukraine aid, which is one of the things that Marge’s FART squad was set up to prevent. So unless there’s another big set of legislation coming down the pipe that Democrats really want out of Johnson, I don’t see much use in them keeping him in the chair. There’s only the tiniest, atom-thick difference between him and those “Freedom Caucus” chucklefucks, so it probably won’t get worse for the Dems if another speaker election happens. One possible effect of another speaker election, however, (especially with all of the recent Republican “retirements”) is that Jeffries could squeak into the speakership role. So, very little downside, some tiny chance at upside.

    PSA - this is just my mostly uninformed opinion on the matter. Do not mistake anything said in the above paragraph for facts.

  • I think it’s not so much about the genders of the shoppers, but rather their approach to shopping that is most telling. I take after my mother: I’m a Combat Shopper. When I enter a store, I have a specific plan of action, and my goal is to execute it as swiftly and efficiently as possible and get out. My father, on the other hand, was very much a lookie-loo shopper. He would spend hours at the store slowly walking up and down every aisle trying to think if anybody he knew would want whatever bit of tat was on the shelves in front of him. Drove me fucking nuts to shop with him.

    I think that combat shoppers can shop with other combat shoppers, and lookie-loo shoppers with others of their ilk, but pairing one with the other is a recipe for hurt feelings.

  • Lowering the penalty doesn’t make it in any way appeal-proof. Appeals are based on the merits of the case, not the penalty awarded, unless that penalty is considered “egregious”. The standard for egregious is usually somewhere north of 10X what a reasonable judgment would be. So lowering it from $370 to $364M will not in any way have an effect on the “egregious penalty” portion. Additionally, he had ALREADY RULED that Trump’s businesses were to be dissolved, and then he later walked back that ruling. If you’re going to find that all of the officers of the Trump Organization knowingly and willfully committed fraud over the span of decades (which he did), then dissolving their businesses is a logical thing to do. And if he were anybody other than Donald fucking Trump, those businesses would still be ordered to be liquidated, and none of those officers would be allowed to have any role in the running of any company in NY for life. Those are reasonable rulings that would have been applied to anybody else. Doing what Engoron did is just some straight up pussy shit.

  • I just don’t get it. Not only did the judge give the NY AG less than the minimum penalty they were asking for, but he also walked back his earlier ruling to dissolve Trump’s NY corporations. Why? Why is everybody still treating this idiot with kid gloves? He’s obviously guilty of everything the NY AG accused him of. His antics in court were appalling, and if he were anybody else, he’d have served jail time (probably multiple times over) for the many, many times he disrupted the court proceedings. So why the fuck would the judge decide to show him any leniency whatsoever?

    God, I hate this political shit. Everybody loves to say that idiotic line: “nobody is above the law”, and yet their actions demonstrate that this shitstain is absolutely above the law. I mean, I get it; he’s a cult leader with a huge following of morally bankrupt, well-armed dipshits. But so fucking what? If there’s gonna be a fight, let’s have a fight and be done with it.

  • Yeah, man. The thing is, almost nobody has any fucking idea what they’re doing with their life. Most people are just winging it. And as you grow and learn about yourself, often times your priorities will change. It sounds very much like you just outgrew several of your friends, and that’s 100% completely normal. It also sounds like you’re learning about the wacky, wonderful world of construction delays, and that also, sadly, is 100% completely normal.

    Life’s going to shit on you from time to time. Calling it now - their estimate of May is going to be way off. There’s even a good chance that you’re still not going to be able to move in by your wedding date. I mean, obviously I hope that’s not the case, that they actually make good on their estimate, and that you can move in and get that bit of hot stress out of your life. But from experience? Make a plan B.

    There are two points of advice that I can give from my own life. The main thing, as some of the other users here have said, is to hold on tightly to those people in your life that you don’t want to lose. If someone is worth your effort, make sure you’re putting the effort in. Great people will drift apart from you just as surely as meh people if you don’t make a constant effort to keep them in your orbit. It’s just part of life.

    The second bit of advice? Go easy on yourself. You’re probably not going to wake up tomorrow with some burning passion or sense of purpose and direction. You might never get it. Most people don’t. A good way to find happiness is to become ok with not making some huge impact on the world, and instead just focus on the things that bring you joy. And if it takes you a long time to come around to that mindset, I at least hope that you’ll be gentle with yourself along the way.