• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • sigh

    So I work for a large enterprise type software with a database. And because our installer is trash, we don’t trust clients to do it. It’s very common for the installer to error out with SQL error messages and we have to go fix things in the database. Think stupid things like if a value is null in one field, installer crashes.

    So they call in, get paperwork for a test upgrade (we require they upgrade a test database first), then after they email that paperwork and it’s approved by management, the call to schedule the test appointment happens. Then 3 days before the actual appointment, we can call them and transfer via Bomgar the files they need. Because we don’t wanna give them the needed files early for… reasons never explained properly to me.

    Then the actual install/upgrade call happens.

    Then we do it all over again for the live.

    Welcome to corporate policy that’s been building over 20 years, and never cut back. Things get added to the install process, never removed.

  • You’re so right and never thought of it like that! If you Google and find a new service you’ve never heard of, we’re expected to give up our soul in a heartbeat! Even for a new email so many are like: First name Last name Phone number for dual authentication Install this app for dual auth Birthdate!

    Like dude, there are a lot of services that just that information alone is enough to call in and take my account. It’s so scary how common that is.

    A game I play uses PayPal as the payment processor, and pay pal decided to pay this specific company I had to upload the front and back of my ID.

    Just… ugh.

  • You know what? Yeah you’re right, that’s just a motorcycle with pedals and probably could do a lot of force if it hits a pedestrian and probably should just be treated like a motorcycle.

    I have a cutesy little escooter that I feel like has a better chance of harming someone by picking it up and using it as a blunt weapon than trying to run them over at 15 mph. Make no mistake, riding on sidewalks is still super dangerous and shouldn’t be done if there is any chance of a pedestrian, but you’d think they would just build proper infrastructure instead of limit them. If they had a bike lane with passing space, they could be as beastly as they want while passing me.

  • The obsession with scooter and bike speeds that don’t have the mass to seriously hurt people at top speed is crazy.

    Like you can find videos of people being hit at top speed by scooters/bikes, usually the pedestrian is pretty fine but rightfully annoyed. Every fatal accident I can find is the escooter/ebiker was hit by a car.

    Fingers crossed they stop being dumb and just make actual infrastructure for micromobility so they don’t have to compete with giant murder machines.