“No ads” don’t mean we don’t show ads…duh
“No ads” don’t mean we don’t show ads…duh
Deleted my account a little while ago but for my feed I think it was higher. You couldn’t block them fast enough, and mostly obviously AI pictures that if the comments are to be believed as being actual humans…people believed were real. It was a total nightmare land. I’m sad that I have now lost contact with the few distant friends I had on there but otherwise NOTHING lost.
Conservatives: Thanks Obama!
That’s great, I’m STEM too and had been looking at the same thing but seemed like you had to get a job before you could get the VISA and trying to line that up seemed like a chicken and egg situation with employers wanting people who were already work authorized?
So I’ve been seriously thinking about NZ for a while now, was filling out the application and figuring out banking and such until they changed their immigration policies about a year ago. When did you start your process? How long did it take? Is it a work visa? If so how did you find an employer willing to sponsor?
His only concern is himself, he thinks he’ll benefit so everyone else can suffer as far as he is concerned. This is the broad motivation of the entire movement. As if America first didn’t make it obvious enough, it was really “me first”. What they don’t understand is how the me in that is entirely relative and they quickly become expendable.