
  • 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • If you’ve just open Blender for the first time and then you’ve tried to… do things.
    Maybe, trying to see how far you can go… without getting help. [laugh]
    You might have discovered… you need help immediately.

    -- some donut guy

    This is janky but will do the best I can. Maybe someone way smarter than me can find a more efficient way to do it.

    I’m doing this demo on some park with Butt in Germany (OSM)
    Blend file
    Layout window
    Node setup

    Line of sight is made from the ‘origin’ of (building) geometry (one-to-many).

    I have tried the same method but in reverse and combine lines of sight (many-to-many) and iterate through them but can not get any result, ‘position node’ output is changed based on whatever you are using with it and two sets of point cloud hurts my head.

    However, with this node setup if you model each room as separated object, it will still work but at room level instead of building level. Wowowee itsa very nice. Just no way to quickly get an ID that I know of.


    1. Import GIS stuff as usual
    2. You MUST set the origin of each object to its own geometry (orange dot must stay in the geometry) as GIS plugin will set origin as world center 0,0,0 and that will break stuff.
    3. Any object that will potentially obstruct the view must be put inside a flat one-level collection.
      3.1 Buildings to analyze can be put in any collection or not at all.
      3.2 If any potentially obstructing object is also an analyzing target from (3.1), it should be duplicate-link with Alt+D then ESC and put in the obstruction collection.
    4. View target e.g. park, lake, must have face, can not be just curves, edges, vertices.
    5. Add geometry node modifier to any buildings you want analyzed.
      5.1 Browse for a node named ‘visibility’ I already set up.
      5.2 Select target.
      5.3 Set ray length (meter) long enough to reach your target.
      5.4 Select any other buildings you want analyzed, with copy source in yellow, paste target in orange hilight. Ctrl+L to copy geo-node modifier to all of them.
    6. Open spreadsheet window and select a unit to see visibility value.

    EDIT: I forget to expose obstruction selector, you can select it inside geometry node window. I also got an idea for V2 which may solve issue of getting IDs list. Will try again tomorrow.

    HAPPY ACCIDENT: you can also stack the modifier and select another target, spreadsheet will show another line of visibility attribute for each additional target in the stack.

    Be careful though, too much and blender might crash.

    I don’t recommend watching/doing the whole donut series, but you still need some familiarity to get around and understand more complex part of blender that other tutorials may teach you :|

    Maybe you can cobble together something even better from these tutorial channels. Erindale, Chris P

  • Yep… this is tough. After reading through another of your comment, I’m not sure if geometry node alone can handle this.

    The answer/solution will depends on how accurate or detailed you want for the result.
    If you count any single point on a building that can see any amount of a park as a ‘pass’, that will be easy. But when you start to dice them down to each floor or room unit, then it will be a bit harder. If you also want to check how much of the park you can see from certain room too, it will be even harder. If you want to list all that, I think you will have to write python code. The complexity will scale with amount of rooms, buildings, parks.

    If the amount of objects that you considered ‘lit up’ is possible to select and move into another collection by hand in reasonable time, then maybe geo node is enough. From your result, how many are those?

    Spreadsheet window (geometry node workspace) can list vertices/edges/faces and other things with custom attribute they have (in this case, see a park or not see a park). It can also list name of object in a collection but I’m not sure if it can also display extra data alongside it though, it’s not the right tool for the job.

  • I try not to mess with my my current windows desktop setup too much if I don’t have to (mission critical). It’s not on VM.
    Would love to do it with LUKS/EXT4 if possible but it’s not supported on windows (am I correct?)

    If I use VC then I have to install it on both win and linux and also any additional machine I intend to decrypt with, that’s quite unwieldy compare to LUKS. I also have lobotomized my current install to cripple spying and broke it to the point it can not update to support wsl.

    Seems like bitlocker is a proper solution for the moment. Or just do two partitions (maybe two drives), encrypt one with LUKS, wipe everything unencrypted when done using it.

  • Linux Windows Preparation
    LUKS LUKS no can do / unless WSL
    LUKS ??? cryptsetup
    LUKS VeraCrypt ???
    VeraCrypt VeraCrypt VeraCrypt GUI from either
    ??? BitLocker Format with NTFS in Windows

    I’m still a bit confused with veracrypt… The docs make it sounds like vc use its own format.
    Can the drive be prepared with LUKS and then decrypt in windows with veracrypt? If not, I might just use bitlocker until I drop windows.