
  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I feel very similarly especially because i don’t have any trans friends or safe space outside of here and the subreddit! and lately a few of the posts on here have kinda given off the impression i need to look a certain way to feel validated which I know isn’t the intent but it’s definitely contributing to that culture

  • I challenge you to take the comments you are making towards yourself and apply them to other women (“cis” or otherwise).

    my friend is almost 6 foot… would you tell her she will never be attractive?

    I have heavier friends… would you tell them theyll never find love??

    because these are statements you’re making with this post and while I’m sure you are (hopefully) only applying them to yourself, theyre still hurtful to read.

    we have told you time and time again to be kinder to yourself and have offered so much reassurance but it’s getting to a point where I genuinely feel like we need a ban on “do I pass” posts because they do nothing but cultivate unhealthy standards