• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I think it’s more of an evolution in the way we use computers than a problem. The original Office UI was made during a time of single monitor dominance and now dual monitors is the standard for companies.

    My most-used applications for work at AutoCAD and Excel and it’s very rare I DON’T have them maximized. They both have ribbons but even if they didn’t, I can’t imagine using them in a small window. Really the only program I don’t run full screen is Notepad

  • I have all the stuff I use regularly on the first ribbon. I also run excel with the formula bar 3-lines tall. Common keyboard shortcuts were removed so there’s very little unused clutter

    At work I use a 1920x1200 display and have never once thought “ugh I wish I could see 4 more rows” - but if I did, I’d just collapse the ribbon…

  • I voted Clinton in 2016…but I didn’t exactly vote FOR her, moreso I voted against Trump. I feel like that’s why she lost - she repeatedly demonstrated that she’s an out-of-touch career politician. She had several How Do You Do, Fellow Kids? moments that turned off a lot of people. It also felt like they were putting way too much emphasis on her being a woman and that’s…just not a selling point. I don’t care what reproductive gear a candidate is equipped with.

    I cringed a bit at those gaffs but there were two main reasons my vote was a reluctant one:

    1. I can’t stand politician dynasties. I don’t want political families running the country and I definitely don’t want it to be a Clinton (who I admittedly would have voted for in the 90s if I was eligible). Staying with Bill after the scandal was a political move in my opinion.

    2. The nomination didn’t feel deserved at all. Sanders got screwed in a time we needed him most and it felt like it did earlier this year when I intended on voting for Biden. Nobody likes thinking “this is not who I want to support but I have no choice.” She was/is a “generic politician” who doesn’t represent the people. 2016 was an awful time for the Democrats to hoist her up.

    I don’t have the same reservations about Harris even though she wasn’t my first pick, for what it’s worth, so please don’t bring up misogyny. I was vocally against the ridiculousness of pizzagate and the “omg her emails,” too.