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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 18th, 2024

  • The spell options and classes in Palladium, Rolemaster and Swords and Sorcery had a lot more flexibility. For the most part any class can learn some magic. For fighters it’s more observation or stealth type stuff unless it’s barbarian type classes that may get more bard type skills and there are like 5 different types of thieves/rogues/burglars, etc. like most other classes. When I ran a group we used a lot of different rule books. Some offered better detail for hit location and armor by location, some had better control of weapon type and how it’s used like bash, pierce, slash, and as noted above, the magic in other rules had so much flexibility. I gave my players a lot of options as to how they built their character and having 4 or 5 rules books of different skills, classes, races, etc really opened up variety. An accountant may be a really good burglar with attention to detail and noticing patterns

  • I was T-boned on my motorcycle. Like you, the driver had no malicious intent and I felt kind of bad for her as well because hitting someone is traumatic too. I tumbled about 60’ down the road and spent half a day in the trauma unit in the hospital getting tests and images. Her insurance was not enough to cover all my medical. After about 6 months of care which hit around $200k her insurance was tapped out. I did sue her insurance company but there wasn’t a lot there to get due to Michigan insurance laws. I didn’t sue her but I did get what I could from insurance. She may be screwed trying to get car insurance in the future but I’ll never walk normal again and may never be able to work in my field again. Don’t leave yourself short. The future issues may be worse than expected.
    My son had a similar accident to yours. His shoulder and elbow were pretty mashed up and he is pretty much back to normal now. Hopefully your recovery is as good as his was. Being young helps healing a lot.