• 3 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2024


  • These look great!

    I’d personally be curious, though, to experiment with non-standard input and UI designs on these phones. Although the touchscreen model has become standard, I’m not sure it’s ultimately the best for all things—I’ve been deeply enjoying my Garmin watch, for example, which has four buttons rather than a touchscreen. I think buttons, dials, etc., (besides simply feeling good to use) are faster for some things. If we’re gonna go against the grain, why not go crazy? I think physical buttons (or at least stuff like the back button on Android) may be to touchscreen interfaces what keyboard-centric workflows are to the mouse and GUI (in terms of efficiency).

  • The best way to understand really is to install both and try yourself, but basically I would say Kakoune is more “radical” than Helix, which feels more like Vim. Both move the selection in normal mode, but Helix has you extend it using what’s basically visual mode, whereas Kakoune cuts out visual mode altogether and has you hold Shift. As you can see in the config, reconfiguring what Shift does causes issues with normal Vim bindings (like joining selections with J), so Kakoune solves this with Alt.

    After using it for a few days, it made a lot of sense to my brain—I would say, in general, Kakoune feels enormously well thought-out and carefully considered in every element of its design.

  • Not really an answer to your question, but personally I resolve issues relating to vi keys in Emacs by just knowing the Emacs bindings as well. When I came back to Emacs, I took a month to just use the vanilla bindings. It was painful for about a week, but boy did it pay off; not just for using Emacs (especially for niche packages that don’t have evil mode bindings), but also for other GNU programs like bash and midnight commander and such (as well as, as you mentioned, the defaults on zoomer-shell).

  • My first ever Linux experience was with the crouton project on a Chromebook in school (Ubuntu 16.04). A buddy of mine figured it out and we all wanted to play Minecraft during class. Thing is, I ended up enjoying tinkering with the OS as much as I did playing Minecraft… so now I’m stuck trying to learn NixOS.