• 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • hydroptic@sopuli.xyztoMemes@lemmy.mlMath
    15 days ago

    Yeah it was a middle school thing in Finland too, at least in the 90’s.

    I did an exchange year in the US in my 2nd high school year, and I was honestly a bit surprised at how… well, simple it all was. I was a senior in the US and I’d learned just about everything they taught that wasn’t specific to the US or the English language (and even some of those…) either in my 1st year in high school or in middle school.

  • Yeah I’m in my 40’s, nonbinary but AMAB, but I didn’t really understand it until relatively recently. I’ve always known I didn’t fit into the male “mould”, but nobody knew what the fuck “nonbinary” was in the 80’s (let alone here in Finland, which is still really conservative compared to the saner Nordics) so naturally I just got beat up for being “gay” even though I was never attracted to boys or men. I even dressed in gender-conforming ways but I was never a “real” man for many boys and men, which naturally meant that they had to correct me with violence.

    The conservative pieces of shit who insist that all these “new genders” and sexual orientations are just a recent invention and in the good old days men were men and women were women are the same ones who were beating us up and even killing us just a few decades ago (not that they’ve stopped doing that…)

    I didn’t just suddenly decide to become an enby; I’ve always been one, but I didn’t even have the words for any of this until this stuff became more mainstream. And then they have the gall to act like this is all a choice, like I’d fucking choose to be something that means bigots will literally want to murder me for it. When I thought I was a man they insisted I wasn’t a real man, and after I went “yeah you’re right, I’m not a man” they insist I’m a man. Can’t fucking win with them, can we?

  • It’s just so sad how broken the US voting system is. In Finland we have a population of ~5 million, and we have 9 parties currently in the parliament out of a total of 16 registered (the rest just didn’t get enough votes to make it into parliament this time 'round).

    Y’all have almost 350 million people and 2 parties, neither of which seems to have much interest in getting rid of first-past-the-post. The really sad part is that Thomas Jefferson independently came up with a voting method that’s identical to the d’Hondt method that’s pretty commonly used here in Urop and proposed that the US should use it, but if I remember right he was veto’d by Washington for whatever reason