and killing others in them while watching YouTube.
also, as a bonus, the video was transphobic and the creator is a fucking bigot.
and killing others in them while watching YouTube.
also, as a bonus, the video was transphobic and the creator is a fucking bigot.
some of the later Swift albums are preferable at least to me - they’re almost bordering on synth pop especially on 1989.
entirely agree on Florida Georgia Line. fuck that noise, it’s pure garbage
it’s the most insane thing that I’ve been on the flip side of this rhetoric coming from that part of the political spectrum as well. when I told my brother I was transitioning (MtF), he freaked out and said I was going to lose muscle mass and all my strength. of course that’s part of what estrogen does, and is kinda the point, but I find it silly that they admit it and simultaneously refuse to admit it.
motherfucker threw the bat in the woodchipper
fuck this guy in particular, and in general, this type of wish-washy political nonsense.
even if there were a fair and legitimate scientific argument for discrimination based on trans status, we all know that it is a scapegoat for actual straight-out transphobia, barring the scientific literature entirely. It’s an excuse for bigots to pawn off their hatred onto science instead of owning up to being an ass.
I’m doing great personally, fuckin’ chipper m8. /s. fucking genocide appears to be the norm now, yay!
Windows Bluetooth paired my Google Pixel Buds Pro once and refused to unpair or delete them no matter what I tried, but would happily connect to them every time I booted the system. I had to literally wipe the install clean and start fresh before it was ever fixed. And those same earbuds worked everywhere else, even my fucking gaming laptop with a MediaTek wireless card running Arch. genuinely the worst experience I’ve had with Bluetooth so far.
even my myopic ass could have seen this one coming. this admin was never going to support him
i absolutely hate this, and at the same time, you’re entirely on point here. it’s beginning to feel a lot like sex crimes are a rite of passage to the new regime, bonus points if it’s a hate crime directed at a trans person
fucking DoTerra…and Young Living…and Juvva…and LulaRoe…and MonaVie. and Xooma. and- yeah, i think Utah has a bit of a problem. what the fuck?
Axing CISA was such a mask-off move in my mind. of course if you want to tamper with voting and computer systems in the US, why wouldn’t you?
fucking idiots. we didn’t even recover from Salt/Volt Typhoon yet smh
it always bugs me how governments who demand backdoors continuously fail to realize that even if they backdoor the encryption of Signal: PGP, or more similarly to Signal, Pidgin+OTR and/or OMEMO all still exist, are well maintained and are designed to work on top of insecure channels. This isn’t gonna be the way to catch actual bad actors, they’ll all just get SimpleX or Pidgin or any other number of things and continue communicating and “going dark”.
…not to mention that Signal’s source code is open, so even if they compromise the Signal client, you can just switch to Molly or build an older version - or if the server is compromised, you can run your own with the backdoor disabled or stripped out. This is a zero-sum-game all the way down.
yep, I know this feeling all too well - having a community and friends is important but even more so in cases like ours. Thank you for the comment, I hope you’re doing better nowadays.
so when do us network engineers start seeing Tbps-class DDoS attacks from every single DoD /8 IP block because Big Balls™ is using it as a DDoS-as-a-service botnet? :D
I’m probably gonna get clowned for feeding the troll, but - this comment comes off a lot more harsh if you’ve ever experienced not having access to the Internet and a smartphone or computer.
I spent the better part of 16 years of my life with no TV, MP3 player, phone, Internet, or computer - and it has negatively impacted me in immeasurable ways. I couldn’t find work, because I couldn’t apply for jobs but also I didn’t know you could do that on the Internet - I also didn’t know YouTube existed, so I missed out on learning the things I liked, and I didn’t know I was being abused because I had no way of knowing that it wasn’t normal until I got access to help, via the Internet.
I wasn’t in the stone age - if I’d had options to do any of the above without a phone or the Internet, I’d be a different person today. Shut up, mate - not everyone can afford or has the opportunity to own a smartphone and data plan (which are rare and expensive in abusive situations like my past). Making services available in places like libraries and community centers without requiring smartphones and Internet would help so many people who have no ability to use them - those people are just as human as you.
and by the way while we’re at it: if we’re effectively paywalling access to basic human rights behind an IP address and cellular radio, those should be enshrined as human rights too.
same, i’ve been very happy with Caddy, even with lots of subdomains and weird configs it’s been rock solid.
i always found this to be upsetting as an IT tech at a former company - when a network or server had an issue and i was sent to resolve it, it was a “just reboot it” fix, which never kept the problem from recurring and bringing the server down at 07:00 the next Monday.
the limitations on the questions i could ask hurt that SLA more than any network switch’s memory leak ever did, and i felt as if my expertise meant nothing as a result.
Musk blocking Signal links makes me just a bit happier about my Signal donation every month :>
they’re always so fucking chill and unbothered when the world is burning, smug af
Merriam-Webster reads that the definition of propaganda is ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one’s cause or to damage an opposing cause.
Russia “attempting to mask communications that are anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia” seems like it fits the textbook definition of propaganda to me. Not sure if you know how to use a dictionary, though - seems like it might be out of your wheelhouse.