yes. why? because regardless of my opinion, when you make it illegal you make things worse for everyone. that goes for drugs, for people moving about on the earth, and all other such things.
yes. why? because regardless of my opinion, when you make it illegal you make things worse for everyone. that goes for drugs, for people moving about on the earth, and all other such things.
true, but even mid burgers are a fave from where i’m standing
my two and i just got back from a walk. part of it is off leash. they found a freshly dead snake and boy, did it stink. they started playing tug with it and i had to use my bare hands to take it away and flight it as far into the brush as i could. snickers started to go after it but she is really good about listening to a firm “no.” rudy had managed to pull off a section as i was taking it away. he was chowing down. i bribed him with a bit of kibble. he didn’t go after it when i flung it. my hand stunk to high heaven till we got home where i could wash it. yeesh. dogs are small, a mini schnauzer and a “bochi” (boston-chi cross), both young too. one year and three years, respectively. great little dogs, and they get on fantastically.
all the time, and some pretty amazing stuff too. like the time i was 16 and went with a friend to grab some weed—at a biker house. one of the bikers asked me if id read “the satanic bible” and i said no. so he picked it up from the coffee table and said here, check it out. i read some. he asked what i thought. “it looks more like “the materialist bible to me” i said, mentally kickin* myself as i said it. shit, is he gonna get mad? i remembered thinking. fortunately, he just laughed. i was dying to leave, which we did not long after.
i had totally forgotten this till one day it just popped into my head.