#liberal #anticapitalism

An #EconomicDemocracy is a market economy where most firms are structured as #WorkerCoops.

#coops #cooperatives

  • 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • I agree with most of your points except the points about worker democracy. Being able to exit is not the same as having voice and exit, which is what worker democracy involves. The employer is not a workers’ delegate. Their managers manage the firm in the employer’s name. The employer appropriates 100% of the positive and negative product of the firm. The workers are de facto responsible for creating the product. This violates the principle that legal and de facto responsibility match

    1. A FairPhone that can run GrapheneOS.

    2. Dual screen phone (separate screens not foldable) with that can run GrapheneOS

    3. Tablet with keyboard case that runs GrapheneOS and has support for Linux apps, so I can replace my PC with something more private and secure

    4. Don’t know if this is possible but a keyboard where each key can show different icons depending on if the shift or control key is pressed to make keyboard shortcuts easier to learn, but still possible to type without looking

  • If given a choice between democratically elected politicians and unaccountable dictators and autocrats, I would choose politicians.

    By capitalism, I mean specific institutions. I have specific solutions in mind such as recognizing the inalienable right to workplace democracy, and common ownership of land, natural resources, and the means of production.

    Land’s inelastic supply, which can only be solved by socializing it, plays a role in housing costs.

    Work issues remain unsolved by those two

  • “Radical Markets” by Weyl and Posner.

    As an anti-authoritarian anti-capitalist I find many of their proposals to be objectionable. I lean towards open borders simply on freedom of association grounds, so I am opposed to their immigration proposals. Their common ownership self-assessed tax on the other hand is very interesting because it allows collectivization of some of the returns to capital while still managing capital in a decentralized fashion.