Piper’s #2 and 1/2 of her #1

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I’m not arguing with someone who keeps contradicting themselves in their own comment and lacks any basic historical awareness of the cold war or 20th century at large. Let me make my point crystal clear:

    Nuclear war and world war should be avoided at all costs

    The US committing troops to the ground to fight for Ukrainian sovereignty will trigger WW3

    A third world war between NATO and Russia will involve the use of nuclear warheads

    If you’d like to refute any of these points please be prepared to bring something to back up your words. I am a historian so I’ll take any primary source or peer reviewed secondary sources. Otherwise you’re just blowing hot air for the purpose of stoking hate. Something I won’t take any more part in.

  • I don’t know if you’re genuinely trolling or just being plain ignorant.

    I’m literally comparing how weapons assistance starts small and escalates to large scale involvement based on higher level comments saying something along the lines of

    Oh, it’s only 3k troops. Hardly an escalation

    Context is king buddy. How does that whole quote go you glossed over of mine?

    Ukrainians have just as much a right to die for their country as I do not having to die for it

    Paraphrasing because you didn’t link to me saying that.

    And the point still stands, I never said the us was trying to start a war

  • The Budapest memorandum of which you speak provides no obligation for the US to provide any security assurances, but provudes justification of action is taken. It is in no way legally binding the US to provide any sort of military obligation to Ukraine.

    I highly doubt Russia would declare war on the US (and by extension NATO) as there is no way for them to win such a war when they’re already struggling to capture former USSR nations.

    And your whole argument for increasing us military intervention is containing Russia yet you admit they could not in any way do that with their current military capacity. You even admit as much later in your comment contradicting yourself when you say

    Russia isn’t going to stop with Ukraine if we allow them to do as they please. They could just as easily attack the US next whether we get involved or not, so what will you say as Russian bombs fall on your home because we decided to let them expand their power unchecked?

    It’s incredibly nieve to think Russia wouldn’t declare war on the US if that committed military assets in direct active warfare against theirs.

    You stating that nuclear war is inevitable is just sewing FUD and has little basis in reality. Putin might be unhinged but I doubt his military leaders are willing to make the entire planet unlivable just to further his agenda.

    It is rooted in historical factuality. Russia has a nuclear arsenal that they are willing to use. Not against Ukraine because they’re not too stupid to provoke a nuclear exchange like that but a hot war with NATO would leave them little option but to use the nukes because as we’ve both acknowledged, they lack the capacity for a wide scale conventional war in Europe.

    Even if it is FUD, do you really want to roll the dice on wether on not this could trigger a nuclear event? I don’t want to get anywhere close to that. While you seem to be yeehawing like Major Kong

    So the only situation where a Russian bomb falls on my house is when it’s an ICBM launched because the US escalated themselves into full on war over Ukraine.

  • You have stated multiple times in your comments that the US is trying to start a war. Several other people have called you out on this.

    Literally where? I have only ever stated the fact that the US commiting troops on the ground would escalate the current conflict into WW3. I’m literally here arguing for peace and not to escalate to nuclear Armageddon. L

    You on the other hand seem very much determined to see as much of the world burn as possible and it’s sick. Learn some history and become aware of what would actually happen if your wet dreams come true

  • Gotcha, so you’d rather die than let Ukraine and Russia naturally resolve their conflict. I forgot how well Russia was doing in Ukraine right now

    For real though, I get your argument is rooted in the “appeasement didn’t work” aspect of WW2. It’s important to note that Chamberlain’s appeasement strategy was going on while Hitler was invading the sudatenland. Today we have a unified response from Europe to support Ukraine indirectly. Nobody is appeasing Russia like they were nazi Germany. Not to mention Russia literally has been exhausted by this. If they can’t hold the border territory they’re trying to keep, what makes you think they’d make a Nazi war path across Europe?

    Literally wishing for the end of the world because two countries are fighting over a border territory is insane. Most world conflicts have been fought over territory. Yes it’s similar to how WW2 started because it’s literally how most wars start.

    If you’re suicidal like that, maybe go volunteer yourself for Ukraine instead of taking the rest of us down with you.

  • So by your logic the US should directly commit troops and provoke a declaration of war from Russia? You do realize that would bring all of NATO (nuclear powerful) into a hot war with Russia (also nuclear powerful) over a few regions they can’t seem to hold in Ukraine?

    Sorry, that’s crazy.

    You’re right, Ukraine is a sovereign nation. They have every right to defend themselves and I am in no way defending Russia’s invasion. That being said, other sovereign nations should not be expected to put their people’s lives on the line so Ukraine can win in their conflict with Russia.

    Everyone seems so concerned with the appeasement aspect of trying to contain Hitler in WW2 they forget the lessons of WW1 bringing the world into a pointless bloody and destructive war through alliances after the assassination of an archduke.

    Not to mention the situation today is vastly different than the eve of WW2. Literally the only similarity is a territorial conflict which is true of the majority of the worlds conflicts. Let’s compare

    While Germany was invading the sudatenland, Chamberlain persued a policy of appeasement, trying to befriend Hitler. During Russia’s invasion of Ukraine there was almost universal opposition with countries lending indirect aid to Ukraine instead of just standing by.

    Part of German expansion was the systematic stripping and denial of personhood and rights to anyone deemed undesirable creating a crisis where refugees could not leave without proper papers they could never get. Compared with today where Ukrainian refugees get to use the fast pass lane to enter the US through Mexico.

    Most importantly, Germany never developed the nuke. They tried, but didn’t get there before the end of the war. There was zero nuclear consideration to worry about. Compared to Russia today which is a nuclear powerhouse on par with the US.

    History will only remember if we don’t nuke ourselves out of existence because of this. Too many people alive today don’t know the fear of mutually assured destruction. Never thought that old cold war vestage actually served a useful purpose in the minds of the people.

  • You have a completely different outlook then. I’m sorry, but we are not your protector. The US is on the other side of the world.

    We are criticizing the US. Nobody is trying to say the US is worse than Russia here. We are meetelt pointing out the fact that escalating troops in Europe is a bad baby step towards all out war. If the us commits troops on the ground on the side of Ukraine, Russia will declare ware and nato article 5 will be invoked. All sides are nuclear poweres. First it might start with tactical nukes on your side of the world. Then it will escalate to ICBMs. It will end when there are no countries or borders and most of the world is dead and in ruin with Eastern Europe being ground zero. Idk why you would want to escalate the situation with US military involvement when it literally would make your part of the world a nuclear wasteland.

    But hey, if not wanting to see the world get nuked makes me a Russian bot so be it. Better that than a pentagon warhawk trying to profit off this whole thing.