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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • First, you missed the part where the actual price now is not 4 dollars? He lied. It was 3 dollars, per the sign right behind him.

    Second, national inflation is calculated off a broad spectrum of goods and services providing insight into the relative buying power of tthe dollar itself, so it is not missing the point to compare based on the adjusted buying power of the dollar. It is a more accurate reflection of the true rise in cost of this individual good comparing how its rise in price has outpaced the average rise in costs across the board. It reflects the extra pressures put on the egg market from the avian flu outbreaks and possible other factors rather than the general inflation of the entire economy.

    Third, if Vance’s goal was to demonstrate that inflation in general had gone up tremendously and blame Harris specifically for that (despite how ridiculous that is), using eggs as a specific measure of the effect of their policies when the price hike on eggs have significantly outpaced other goods and is clearly due to non-policy related circumstances outside anyone’s control is obviously disingenuous. And that was before he lied and tried to add another 30+ percent on top of the already inflated price.

  • Not to mention the price spike on eggs specifically is also way less than he would like to make it appear. Yes, in 2020 dollars, a dozen eggs was $1.50. But adjusted for inflation to today’s dollars, that 1.50 is actually about 2 dollars today (inflation being a much broader issue and highly affected by covid). So the price didn’t jump from 1.50 to 4 dollars, an increase of 167%, nor even from 1.5 to 3 dollars, an increase of 100%. It only went up from 2 dollars to just under 3 dollars (given the signs), an increase of just under 50 percent. Considering all the avian flu outbreaks that is an entirely reasonable price hike on a high demand good.

  • … but I don’t.

    rubs eyes

    … but I don’t.

    IN WHAT FUCKING UNIVERSE IS THAT EVEN REMOTELY, METAPHORICALLY, GENEROUSLY TRUE!? The man cannot open his mouth without generally talking about how everyone on the left is actively, intentionally and malevolently destroying America, and that’s when he is not actively calling for his highly volatile MAGA followers to do unethical, and even illegal, things to ensure “they don’t steal this election”. His followers break into and flood the Capital Building leaving police officers in their wake, conspire to kidnap governors, break into Nancy Pelosi’s home and beat her husband to within an inch of his life when they don’t find her, not to mention all the general violence and hate of those like the Proud Boys, the Patriot Front, and other white Christian nationalists. The idea that anyone could ever possibly see you as innocent in, at minimum, your rhetoric is mistifying.

  • I’m saying the chances of the staff of a restaurant with no reason to specifically seek right leaning bigots in a left leaning area has a higher than average chance of being mostly liberal people that do not violently hate gay people. There’s no guarantee of that, but the odds are pretty good.

    I’m saying that the employee would have asked a straight couple to knock off the PDA if it was deemed excessive too, yes. There were very few details as to led the verbal disagreement turned argument into a physical fight, so I don’t know what happened there. My assumption, if an actual bigotred urge to beat up gays wasnt involved, is that a heated argument started, accusations were thrown and tempers got out of hand leading to someone throwing the first punch. After a punch was thrown, I assume the rest of the staff joined their coworker and things really quickly escalated.

    Just to be clear about 2 things: 1) I am not justifying or excusing the escalation of a verbal disagreement to physical violence. I don’t care what the circumstances are, there is no excuse. 2) no matter the reasons for the fight or their reasons for joining, all of the other staff members joining into the fight/beating rather than breaking it up are assholes and should face legal consequences for their actions.

    The only thing I am potentially justifying on the restaurant employee’s part is the part where they asked them to stop the PDA, and only IF my suspicion is correct and it was more than simple kissing going on. A restaurant manager/owner not only has a right to make their restaurant a comfortable place for all their clientele, but a responsibility to do so in behalf of their staff. If a few guests’ actions are likely to turn away other guests from eating there, then they are completely justified in asking them to stop. And, as I said, I am still not sure of that. It is still just a feeling. I could 100% be wrong, and then entire altercation from beginning to ending was homophobia from the entire restaurant staff through and through. I just don’t think that is terribly likely between the locale and the way the victim resold his story.

  • ”… bypass the usual bureaucratic nonsense"

    Immigration laws? Quotas? Checking that they’re not importing the “criminals, drug traffickers, human traffickers and people from insane asylum from those shithole countries”?

    “like language tests”

    “Speak 'Merican!” “Why should I press 1 for English!?”

    “or history exams,”

    “They come over here and don’t even integrate to our culture, our laws and our history. They want to bring their own culture here and replace us”

    I know it never stops, but even still this level of hypocritical entitlement still amazes me. Either way, can’t wait for these Leopard Ate My Face posts.