• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • A lot of people from conservative areas feel like and complain that californians come in and change the “culture” of a place. A lot of times this is the usual dog whistle nonsense and conservatives being mad that liberals exist and california is heralded as some beacon of socialism and liberalism and is therefore the enemy.

    On the less politically dumb side of things this can also manifest as gentrification. Wealthier yuppier people coming into a low cost of living town or city and with their money and new population comes a change in whats available. Personally a lot of the low cost of living america are declining rust belt cities and low cost of living due to decades of population loss or stagnation so I dont think this is as bad as people believe.

    But gentrification impacts housing prices and it is frustrating for people who lived through the rustier times of a city only to be priced out of homeownerships because the market now includes bidding wars where people from wealthier cities dont realize their overpaying for a property because its still hundreds of thousands of dollars less than it would be back home. Current homeowners get a fun surprise when their taxes are reassessed and their 120k home is now worth 350k and taxed appropriately. Likewise longterm renters notice the uptick in rent as people move in.

    Of course a lot of this is a market problem and a supply problem, and a rental protection problem and even if the city were to have just started growing without help from rich californians and new yorkers prices would still go up. But the new migrants are the target and depending on where you live thats california in other places its new york. Still others its both and then some.

    And if you’re doing alright for yourself or scraping by in your rusty city you may not want things to change even if it means more restaurants, and developments, and things to do. The saying about strong tides raising all sails is not true, some people wind up underwater and drown.

  • This is the same for me. I love the tactile feeling of books, I love the smell, the weight, the aesthetic and the idea.

    They take up so much space though and that can make them a hassle to access. I also like to read in bed which means I need something that can make it’s own light, and I like the versatility digital books have in font size and in the case. Especially as a comic reader where you have weekly and monthly issues or chunky volumes it adds up quickly.

  • It depends what you’re using it for. If you want to old school mid to late 00s twitter that was just random anonymous people microblogging random thoughts and sharing links and pics then you’ll be happy to be back home.

    If you followed twitter because it was a way to get direct contact and access to industry professionals, celebrities, reporters, breaking news, specific niche communities that just dont exist or barely do on mastodon, then you will be unhappy with it. Mastodon will get you uh, George Takei, Zach Weiner, and the technologyconnections guy.

    For example of the difference and why many people just dont care for jumping into mastodon I’ll use My wrestling feed as an example. On mastodon it is mostly one guy who’s enthusiastic about womens wrestling(seriously if he stopped my feed would die), one news reposting site(which honestly isnt a bad thing cause wrestling news is awful), and a handful of other people. Twitter has lots of memes and clips from the fans after episodes air, lots of links to primary sources and news sites, and the actual wrestlers interacting cutting kayfabe online promos, promoting themselves, and interacting with fans.

    This applies to a number of niches, hobbies, and fan interests on twitter. Bigger isnt necessarily better but the size and adoption of twitter is a huge strength.

  • All I have to ask is why though? They already have access to skinned aosp and from there can(and do)quite a bit of tweaking on their own. Fireos has been a worse version of android for some time now and Im unsure what the benefit of making their own in house OS would be.

    If it’s a true GNU/Linux OS with compatibility with linux programs, then that would be kind of neat, and if it’s open enough to let advanced users install flatpaks(I suspect it’s going to be immutable so at least flatpaks would be nice) then that could be neat. Currently it’s very easy to sideload on fireos devices and even install the play store in full so it’s possible the end product could be more like the steamdeckOS which is very much a user friendly store front end with a power user true linux experience underneath.

    That said, for some reason I suspect that they will be locking things down even more and its going to be one of those many user facing linux devices that’s technically linux but very limited. Like a smart fridge interface or something. If this is the case then dropping android support would be a bad move. You lose easy/lazy portability to your store from developers who already have a product to sell and you lose many apps that already exist, and for power users you lose access to the many apps that can easily be side loaded like tachiyomi(though I imagine amazon would rather you buy from them than buy their subsidized $80 tablets to read pirated manga/comics and library books on libby)

    But who knows if they actually do an OK job this could lead to a new wave of GNU compatible touch forward apps for the rest of us. Linux has gotten a lot better at touch forward design over the last 4 or 5 years on its own, but its still fairly rough.

  • When compared to other professional level laptops the macbooks do put up a good fight. They have really high quality displays which accounts for some of the cost and of course compared to a commercial grade laptop like a thinkpad the prices get a lot closer(when they arent on sale like thinkpads frequently do).

    That said even then the m1 macbook is over a thousand dollars after tax and that gets you just 256GB of storage and 8GB of ram. Theyre annoyingly not as easy to find as intel offerings but you can find modern ryzen laptops that can still give you into the teens of screen on time for less with way more ram and storage space. The m1 is still the better chip in terms of power per watt and battery life overall, but then getting the ram and storage up to spec can make it $700 more than a consumer grade ryzen.

  • Yeah its funny theyre putting it so critically when the questions and system pretty much demand that you lie. In fact some interviewers may argue that the truthfulness of the answer isnt what they want as much as they want an employee’s ability to think on the fly and quickly BS their way through.

    Which honestly I think is not a great trait to look for in most roles.

    But seriously these questions can be frustrating.

    “What are your weaknesses”

    Well I have allergies , I cant reach really high places, I often have trouble going to bed on time, I dont like waking up early, Im a socially awkward weirdo, I suspect I have adhd. Oh related to the job? Sure let me tell you all the(if any) weaknesses I have pertaining to the job youre screening for.

    “Name a time that you failed and how you handled it” is more “tell us a story where something difficult happened at work and how were you able to fix it” but if you want I can use this truthful interview as a free therapy session and unload on you.

  • A demanding game on a macbook air m2 will still draw close to 30 watts and while that is actually still good for a laptop relative to what the output is, and you can probably do things to improve that by tweaking in game settings, it’s still going to suck power out of a 50Whr battery.

    Steamdecks also run an efficient ryzen apu that lets them play games for 2-8 hours depending on how things are tweaked. Likewise on my 39Whr ryzen thinkpad(intel got a 59whr battery dont get me started on that nonsense) I can get 8-12 hours depending on usage normal browsing as well.

    This isnt to take down the m1 & m2. They are definitively more powerful, theyre definitively more efficient, I’m not disputing that. But the gap isnt as huge as it was when the m1 launched.

  • Just buy a camera. Searching for consensus on this you’ll find people online telling you “well who needs a point and shoot, modern cameras are good enough, the camera you have is better than the good camera you leave at home” and etc, but for under $500 you can get a used or even new decent point and portable digital camera(similar form factor to what everyone had in the early to mid 00s) and it will fit in your pocket, bag, around neck and mop the floor with any cell phone camera when photographing anything you have to zoom in on.

    Depending on what you buy you’ll of course have more of a learning curve compared to the ai, but it wont have that over sharpened ai enhanced oil painting look that phone cameras give you when you zoom in a little, and yes the results can be much better. You can take snapshots with fast shutter of birds in flight, stop a helicopters blades, capture precipitation, and of course zoom in a little into things that the cell phone camera would poop itself trying to capture.