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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • lordnikon@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlHow the Media Treat Linux
    2 months ago

    honestly the biggest problem with the media is. Linux represents the very thing corporate culture in those media empires just can’t fathom. the idea of cooperation for the greater good that Linux represents and not being 100% profit motivated. They just don’t get it and worse they see it as a threat. Microsoft can be a competitor to them but the idea of open source is a competitor to the whole system and that is a far greater threat to the people on top.

  • honestly I think it’s 95% there and would get that last 4% if you could go to a retail store and just buy one. the perception would be enough to get hardware and software vendors to start supporting it in a very short time. kinda like how cyberpunk has a steam deck present.

    Would it be over night? No but real change is never quick. Perception has to change before the change happens. Why do you think MS and other Software vendors pays so much money to PC manufacturers to stay on Windows.

    Remember with a windows PC purchase and bloatware. You’re a customer and a product, your desktop is a billboard. So it’s against their interest to give you agency in what OS you use.