@j4k3 Filtering out everything about them is the simplest way to block anything critical of them.
@j4k3 Filtering out everything about them is the simplest way to block anything critical of them.
@Pogogunner At least on Debian based distros, it’s all part of the driver installation.
As for how it works at the hardware/kernel level the iGPU take some of system RAM to use as VRAM, so all the kernel has to do is give the dGPU a DMA buffer into that. The final piece is for the iGPU driver to send a synchronisation signal to the dGPU when it’s ready to receive the (partial-)frame.
I’m going to assume that it is possible to put both the dedicated and integrated GPUs to work, though I’ve never seen this kind of setup.
Every single laptop with a dGPU does that, as I’m typing this now only Minecraft is using the dGPU while everything else is on the iGPU. Everything is fully performant (including YT videos), and it greatly increases battery life.
@harsh3466 That should work, as always with dd the potential disaster is getting if and of the wrong way around and wiping the old drive.
@teawrecks Make a load of dirty bombs and rob banks with them.
@photonic_sorcerer @NONE_dc It’s not something you’ll get perfect straight out of the box, but receive only is fairly straightforward. The difficulties come when you want to send something that won’t get immediately rejected or thrown into the spam box.
@Potatisen @Fake4000 Their CEO being pro-Trump
@AlbigensianGhoul I would recommend @Mojeek as a fully independent engine without any of those “bonus” features.
@dontblink You would have to write a PAM module to do that