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Focused on cybersecurity, gaming, and tech. Follow for insights on security trends, industry updates, and the latest in tech.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 21st, 2024


  • Nobody likes hearing the truth. The more defensive the argument, the less you have to stand on.

    Generational relative hardship is a thing.

    Every generation has had to adapt, period. You can CHOOSE to overcome challenges or let them defeat you. You can CHOOSE to take out a school loan and either have a well thought out plan or fall flat on your face because due diligence wasn’t paid to increase your knowledge in how the area of study will translate into the workforce. You can CHOOSE to take on mountains of debt to “survive” and think 40 hours a week is all the time there is to work. You can CHOOSE to have a child, two, three, four. All choices have risks and consequences. You can CHOOSE to “buy” that $1500 phone when you live paycheck to paycheck. You can CHOOSE to pursue a career in gaming, social media, and the so called “influencer.” But with those choices, you accept the risk, responsibility, and the ownership of them.

    Learn what accountability means in your OWN life. Once the problem is everything else’s fault - its time to look at the common denominator.

    The only one you have to look at in the mirror is yourself. Do something about it.

  • I’d feel sorry if most understood what sacrifice actually means. If you want to get out of debt, make actual sacrifices instead of blaming it on everything else. Nothing comes easy. Gen Z people have a sense of entitlement and “don’t understand how to manage money.”

    How bout stop being children and educate yourselves on what it means to budget (oh, you weren’t taught how to do it in school? Pull up your favorite media consuming app and look it up); what the dollar’s actual value is; what it means to not eat fucking fast food every day (know how to make a sandwich and pack some fruits, meal prep?). How about stop relying on credit thinking its your money while paying the banks the interest you accrue by keeping a balance on your cards (look on your latest credit card and see how much money you’ve given to the banks just to have a “sense of security” through credit, hah) Or buying a vehicle that’s 30% or more of your net income. COME ON!

    Stop blaming the world and make it yours.

    Or join the military, its actually got all of the facets of turning children into adults… You’ll earn financial freedom through many sacrifices. It definitely will flush out the wannabes and “cant-get-rights.”

    Or, you know, just blame everything else and get nowhere. 👍

  • This will continue because of cowardice, unfortunately. Integrity is one of the only things that separates moral and ethical action. In the moment, groupthink/mob mentality/group mentality led to conformity which is exactly what happened, and is an extreme form of pressure. Regardless of the action/inaction in the moment, integrity was challenged and defeated. One of the only ways this will change is something that will probably not happen due to conformism within the system. You lived how hard it was… your integrity was challenged, and ultimately inaction was the choice that was made resulting in net zero integrity.

    As everything in hindsight reveals the truth, the inaction feeds conformity. If it’s never challenged, then it evolves into a “norm.”

  • I vividly remember… I was in the office and one of my coworkers comes up to me with a shit eating grin on his face - like he had something he wanted to share…

    He said, “Have you ever heard of Bitcoin?” I said, “No…” He explained (sort of) what he thought it was, but sounded more like an investment opportunity (blah blah blah) less than 10 cents per… I didn’t bite.

    Lets just say this didn’t age well for me, lmao.