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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Plug for something like Obsidian here. I recently started a new novel and the ability to divide everything into folders and sections that I can link to within my writing has been invaluable.

    If it’s been a while since I referenced a place or event or character, I can write their name and link out to their dedicated page full of info and reference material on them. If I have something I think of on the fly that I want to remember, I can create a new reference page and link to it, or add it to an existing page whenever I need to .

    The organization is a game changer. I write chapter by chapter, sometimes bouncing around in the timeline, and stitch everything together as I finalize a section.

  • Hey girl, I just came from your other posts - specifically the one where you posted a full pic of yourself. Looking at the pic and the one you used for your PFP, I think you’re beautiful and wouldn’t even question your assigned-at-birth sex or gender identity for an instant if I passed you on the street or saw you in a restaurant.

    Are you a Playboy model? Of course not, but no one is and isn’t a slave to fashion and capitalism and unrealistic beauty standards. I think you’re an amazing woman whose body has settled into its true gender beautifully.

    Unfortunately, your comments and posts suggest body image issues that transcend your gender identity. Plenty of cis people also experience negative body image and wish to change themselves to fit what they think is beautiful. If you are happy with your gender identity and aren’t experiencing gender-related dysphoria, but rather just feel ugly about your body, I don’t think coming off hormones will help with that. Therapy is my answer here, but I don’t think your transition is solely to blame for these feelings.

    Love you, you got this. Give yourself the slack you deserve (which is a lot, you beautiful thing).

  • This is always a fun convo!

    I think it was gradual, and I knew way before I knew to label it as bi/pan (I like the bi colors more 😅). Boys even as early in elementary school would sometimes talk about how pretty or hot their teachers were, and I didn’t realize they usually reserved such comments for the female teachers. So I started think it about any I found attractive, men included.

    Past that, closer to teen years, I’d have fantasies of being caught masturbating, but the subject of those dreams also weren’t restricted to just female figures in my life. Again, I didn’t have a label for it, but it never felt weird or bad.

    Later on in mid-high school, I was driving my friend home from a party and he asked me if I’d ever had a girl suck me off. I hadn’t, and answered accordingly. He asked if I wanted to know how it felt and started massaging himself over his shorts. Horny vibes took over and I agreed and that was that. I think I tried to deny it a little, but I was always in the LGBTQ+ crowd in HS anyhow and it helped me accept it a lot quicker. The guy turned out to be gay, and I think people are fucking hot, regardless of gender presentation or biological equipment.