• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • When I had my homelab services exposed to the broader web, I enjoyed using Authelia with NGINX. It supported MFA and worked well enough.

    That said, I HIGHLY suggest you expose as few of your home systems to the web as possible. Ideally, I would set up a VPN like WireGuard or OpenVPN and use that to connect into your LAN while on the go.

    The more of your home network you expose to the web, the bigger your attack surface. If you can just turn on a VPN that already has strong authentication like asymmetric key pairs, you significantly reduce the ways someone can break into your home network while making as many (or few) of your home services available through that VPN as you want.

  • Not going to lie, I found your back and forth interesting (and mostly sided with the other person), but the argument was lost for me when they attacked you directly.

    You are right, SpaceX brought down costs (in dollars) to move mass into space which has opened many new doors. We can argue and disagree about what the broader and long term costs and outcomes of that change might be, but I didn’t get the feeling you were being a fanboy or unreasonably lavish in your praise.

    Kudos for walking away from the conversation.

  • Yeah, let’s absolutely get more renewables out there, but I don’t see how we can accommodate base grid loads without something like nuclear (especially when grid storage of renewable energy that isn’t consumed at the time of generation seems like a problem that will take a long time to solve).

    The anti-nuclear stuff drives me nuts, and as we’ve seen with Europe and their general move away from nuclear (France being a notable exception) is that you can spin up all the nuclear you want but you’ll need more fossil fuel plants to handle base load regardless.

  • Thanks, that all makes a lot of sense.

    It looks like pad 5/VCC is on the middle-left, pad 2/GND is on the middle-right, and pad 6/data is on the upper-left of the footprint when I open the hillside46.kicad_pcb file in the KiCad PCB Editor, click on ‘View’, and check “Flip Board View”.

    As a sanity check, given the info above: it looks like I could rotate that ESD chip 180 degrees (so that the ESD chip’s pin 1 is on the lower-right pad of the footprint) and have everything work, correct?