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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: January 23rd, 2025

  • I would say it would be fine, the only problem would be warping as the pine will be quite thin (plywood is more resistant to this).

    But if you don’t care about everything being perfectly straight I think pine would be plenty strong enouph and wouldn’t warp noticeably much either (just pick straight boards from the store). So yea I think it would be fine.

    P.s. (if you join multiple boards together its usually less likely to warp but I don’t think this is necessary for your usecase)

  • Ideally yes, but in the real world this would be infeasible. Things can’t be tailored to one person specifically. there are so many countless factors that could lead to a headstart and it would be impossible to account for all of them.

    Instead we find the ones that are the biggest factors and focus on them. Race is a big factor. But race is not the only big factor, and ideally all the biggest factors should be accounted for.

  • The analogy would be more accurate if everyone started at a random time, but darker-skinned runners started later on average.

    Yes, they started an average hour later meaning when an hour is deducted from the darker skinned People’s times, the results are more fair overall.

    And even though for some indivules it is unfair, the starting situation is allready unfair and this alteration is a net positive for fairness.

    It is not just skin colour that has effects on the starting time of course.

  • Don’t worry I wouldn’t have thought you were arguing, I’m glad you asked.

    Woman’s rights required huge societal reform, from being a mans property to being one’s own self. I know we aren’t all the way there in terms of woman’s rights, but we have come a long way. (let’s not go backwards now)

    I was also thinking that the current capitalistic system is also much better than a system where power is based on bloodline like in many old Monarchy’s but then I realised that if money is power, and money is inherited its not much different.

    However one of our main societal reforms is using reason, logic and ethics over the supposed word of god. I have nothing against the notion of god (other than that it is objective truth), what I do take issue with is using God to manipulate people, people who think they must have faith in the word of god for them to be good people.

    This puppetering of god by those in power and the blind trust of those below caused thousands of atrocities; the burning of witches, the rape of people, hundreds of conquests in the name of spreading gods word, and so, so many wars.

    This again is not fully resolved in many countries. Such as Israel, were blind faith in the twisted words of god, twisted by a corrupt pollitition, has caused tens-of-thousands of innocent deaths.

    But for the most part, developed countries have left gods word as secondary advice, and have not tried to manipulate the people by puppeteering their creator.

    This is (imo) a crucial step for a more transperant society. Were you don’t feel you are challenging your creators ideals, but just the ideals of a snob in a suit.

  • nettle@mander.xyztoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldCan someone change my mind about CRT and DEI?
    2 months ago

    Tell me if I’m wrong but I would like to clarify something based on what Rhynoplaz said above that I feel they meant,

    to clarify: I believe the CRT and DEI can exist while having nothing to do with historical events.

    (P.S. I don’t know how the DEI and CRT work currently, this is my own opinion on a hypothetical best solution. (Open to ideas if I’m wrong))

    The DEI and CRTs purpose is not not about putting everything in reverse, giving the darker skinned man a time cut for every future race because of all the 100s of past races he had to wait.

    it is simply about the situation now, the current race, the current job application.

    the DEI and CRT should ideally only be about removing the bias of the judge for that specific event, so that the final scores represent each person’s actual time, there is not retribution, there is no repayment for past wrongs, it is only about making the current event, the current job market, fair for everyone.

    So that when the scores for that specific day are finalized everyones time is what they actually ran.

    The CRT finds what makes the specific event unfair, and the DEI fixes it so everyones time is what they actually ran.

    It is only removing the current bias in the Official.

    Poverty is a completely different (though somewhat related) issue.

    Dealing with poverty isnt about removing the bias, it is about rebuilding the very constructs of our society into a place that does not rely on some working 24h to put food on there plate while others sit around ruling those below.

    Capitalism does not exist without poverty, if everyone’s rich, nobody is.

    The only solution to this while keeping capitalism is to ensure every person has access to their human rights free of charge, but then our rulers would complain that these people living free of charge are lazy and sapping up your precious tax payer dollars that you worked your but off for.

    no government organization can fix poverty, the entire current system for every current country is flawed, in order to get rid of poverty we must rebuild these systems from the ground up.

    We’ve done it before and made the lives of millions better. and we can do it again.

    Edit: changed words in the second and third paragraph referring to the CRT and DEI Ideally have nothing to do with past events. Instead I believe it is fine for the CRT and DEI to learn from historical events and use that learning, but the actual actions will be determined by the current situation not the past. -sorry for the edit I just felt it is more clear what I think like this

  • I would tinker for a bit but definitely not spend any more money on it as it’s not worth the money. Where im from you can often find cheap B&W laser printers on facebook marketplace or another second-hand platform for free or for very cheap.

    Laser printers will be much cheaper in the long run so I strongly recommend one. Unfortunately a good colour one is very expensive but old B&W ones like the Brother HL2130 are still great.

    Facebook marketplace does suck but sometimes it’s the only/best option, still steals your info tho

  • I got a question right on an electronics quiz about finding the resistance in a curcuit (I have verified I was right).

    My science teacher who didn’t know how to do it in the first place and was just looking at the (incorrect) answer schedule said I was wrong. I just said “I don’t think so but ok” even though I knew I was right as I did not want to argue. As she was walking away I explained to my friend why I was right, my teacher overheard me and came storming to the table saying:


    At the top of her lungs.

    I was just a kid so it put me off science for a bit tbh.

  • Don’t finish one thing before you start another. instead keep a special list of things you want to do and loop between them, as you get board of one move onto the next one. As long as you are determined to get everything done. And make sure the list is short enough so that you can actually get things finished after a couple of loops.

    I find this makes getting things done much more enjoyable for me, and stops me procrastinating. just make sure none of the tasks on the list are procrastination’s in disguise.

    And of course, rest when you need it. proper rest, not exhausting yourself thinking you’re procrastinating. Just rest, then carry on.

  • I would choose a nettle, as Admiral Butterflies do. There flowers aren’t extravagant but the poison tipped spines are very good protection.

    Which nettle you may ask (as there are many)

    Ideally Urtica sykesii for its beautiful triangular leaves perfectly embellished with triangular edges which itself have beautiful spikes (one of my favorite plants).

    For added protection the most dangerous nettle Urtica ferox a nettle so big it has become a woody tree with thick spikes as long as your nose, loaded with enough poison to kill a dog or leave a man limp for weeks (I would make sure no dogs are harmed). The beautiful red admirals favorite choice.

  • As somebody else said: it depends. Some fertilizers are shit and contain harmful shit but most are fine.

    Here’s some things to know tho:

    1. If fertilizer gets on the leaves you must wash them before eating (which should be done anyway) as the residue may have toxic heavy metals (which may be there for plant growth).

    2. Fertilizer is developed for maximum profits, only things that are needed for fast growth are added. this causes the plants to grow fast but with little nutrients needed for healthy long term growth. Its like plant fast food, it’s cheap to make and will make you fat fast but your going to need more than just carbs fat and suger to be healthy.

    So the plant will have less nutrients for us, and more importantly less flavour, for herbs like basil and celery the flavour difference is incredible.

    for spinach flavour doesn’t matter much. spinach also has basically no nutrients for us in the first place, in fact the oxalic acid in Spinach, when eaten, removes calcium from your body. So fast growing spinach has basically no downsides.

    For a more complete diet I would recommend a seeweed based fertilizer (make sure it’s sustainably harvested!).

    1. dont let any fertilizer get in a river/lake any fertilizer will unbalance its ecosystem.

    Also sweet potato (Kumara) leaves are so so good. And easer to grow, and you get sweet potatoes, and they are healthier, and have much less oxalic acid. Only problem with them is they are not very frost resistant and require more light, if you want tubers, then spinach, (in low light it may not produce tubers but will still have leaves).

  • nettle@mander.xyztoScience Memes@mander.xyz🎵 🎶 🎵
    2 months ago

    Our young Tui are practicing right now, its so fun watching them barely be able to sing, sounding like a donkey while trying there best to imitate the melodic adults.

    Then they slowly grow up and learn new things until eventully they can perfectly imitate our car reversing beep, fooling us to think someone is stealing our car.

  • nettle@mander.xyztoScience Memes@mander.xyzAlgae Rock!
    2 months ago

    Algae itself needs a functioning ecosystem to survive, to much algea will cause it to kill itself due to overpopulation (e.g. using up resources and dead algea not being cleaned up) while in a small scale humans can care for the algea, taking the place of the ecosystem, for any large area this would be unfeasible and the ecosystem including the algea would collapse.

    A benifit of biodiversity is greater resilance to change, by selecting for the growth of specific algea using iron you cause other algea/plant that rely on the prior ecosys to die out (including those reliant on other organisms which died). this group of less diverse algea will be more susceptible to change, (diseases or environmental change) and as most of the algea in the world will be similar, most of the algea in the world could get wiped out in one go.

    So the likely outcome would be an initial spike in carbon capture before the environment becomes unsuitable, collapses, and most of the algea dies.

    So all im all at any meaningful scale in the sea this is and will always be, a terrible idea.

    (A better idea would be lots of small manigable algea tanks which could realistically be maintained and won’t affect the current diversity, diseases could also not spread between them. This would be expensive but could actually work as a long term solution)