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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2020


  • Have used maybe 2 cheques, bought a condo share but a house is a whole other matter. That said I don’t think it’s impossible, the main issue is just stability, if I had a partner who earnt as much then it would still be tough but not impossible.

    But you can absolutely own your residence OP - just look for smaller places, in cheaper areas, and jobs that would offer a good salary : cost of living ratio. You’ll probably have to start with a condo in a HOA, etc. but that’s better than renting.

  • I used to be an active socialist, but it felt quite hopeless when protests are ignored and democracy scarcely exists (you just vote for the least bad option once every 5 years). Now I moved countries and can’t even vote so am much more apolitical. I also didn’t like the shift of those groups into identity politics, and often focussing on treating symptoms rather than the cause - e.g. the push in many places to decriminalise theft under ~$300 instead of actually ensuring people have jobs and opportunities, or unfair rent control rather than building more housing and dealing with the distribution of employment.

    But in general I just want a functional, meritocratic society with easy opportunities for education, wide use of technology and as little bureaucracy as possible. No monarchy or religion, etc.

    I also think there should be much stricter punishments for violent crime, and better use of technology to investigate it. Ideally everywhere would be like Singapore with almost no crime due to excellent enforcement, and also good provision of education, housing, etc. to make it less attractive overall.

  • The Witcher 3 (mainly the DLCs), the story was so good, like it’s the only game I can remember where I was waiting to play it every weekend just for the story.

    Ocarina of Time - the music is so amazing, I can still remember all of it.

    Runescape Classic (like 2002) for making me impervious to scams - you get scammed by some players once and that sticks with you.