• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Most malware is writen for Windows, but Linux malware exists, and has been found in the wild. The most common infection method, like with windows is running a trojan, theoretically things like browser exploits could also be used, but these are unlikely unless you are a high profile target like a head of state or CEO.

    I would personaly be much more worried about someone evesdropping through my microphone. All they would get from my camera is my face and some glances of the room my computer is in, but my microphone would reveal all sorts of private conversations.

  • This would be real nice if this let you easly run commands as SYSTEM or TrustedInstaller from a script, not just as Admin. Not only can Admin be reached from the “Run as Admininstrator” menu option, is actualy quite limited for messing around with system files. For the most part, Admin lets you mess with system settings/registry, and user files, but not with a lot if system/application files without TAKEOWNing everything.