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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023


  • The boots I recommended are fairly squishy. But they are nothing like most running shoes these days. If you are interested in switching to boots I’d recommend going to a store that only sells boots.

    Funny thing is I have the opposite problem now. Squishy shoes give me horrible joint and back pain. I think it’s because the force over time is longer and more damaging. I’m not a barefoot advocate but it’s everyone’s own preference.

  • The weird recommendation I have is sort of a boot adjacent shoe. Asolo agent evo are my daily shoe. They last at least a year for me and I tear through salomons in 6 months max. Downside to these shoes for some is they are flat with little padding. For some reason I love them and I recommend trying them on if you can find them.

    For actual boots I use when I need safety shoes, Danner Vicious with super feet inserts. I’ve worn them for more than 20 hours with little issue. And they are still waterproof 5 years later. They were close to $300 with the inserts.

    I also want to warn you that my recommendation is me specific. Everyone is different and some people need to step on clouds to make it through a few hours on their feet, I’m not like that at all.

  • It’s getting less common because it looks cleaner and functions better to have the divider flush with the sides. My sink is flat on top and it’s better because I can set what I’m washing out of the sink. It does get scratched up over time though.

    Cheap sinks have the rim they are describing. Expensive sinks usually have a low or no divider. It’s the mid teir that is going flush on top for some reason. It’s a completely useless feature IMO that makes the sink less useful.

  • I tried this for a bit but I can’t stand having to touch it while cooking. We went back to a 3 ring binder with printed out recipes because it’s so easy to print them from our phones. And when I say went back I mean I never printed recipes in my entire life and I’m going back to something similar to what my grandparents did writing recipes in a notebook. Touchscreens don’t have a place in the kitchen for me outside of wearing a smartwatch.

  • They are real shokz open run headphones. I’m not trying to shit on people that use them they just seem to suck for me. The extra charge cable also pisses me off.

    She has better hearing than I do but when listening to a podcast they are loud enough she can’t hear normal talking volume. Like I can stand next to her and say something and if she doesn’t see me she can’t hear me. It’s bad enough that she told me to buy her the cheap independent ear headphones I use as a gift in the future because she’s annoyed by it.

    I never get vertigo and have crazy good balance. I haven’t fallen over in a decade and I ski and mountain bike a lot. I think the headphones vibrate some part of my ear that is part of how I balance.

    Edit: thinking about it it’s not vertigo I feel. It’s that I can feel my skull vibrating and it is absolutely awful. I can feel it shaking behind my eyes. So maybe I’m weird and can feel something most people can’t?

  • That article is talking about the quality of gas and not regular vs premium. Quality is very important and “top tier” is a rating that sets a minimum quantity of detergents and max water content. So it’s good to try and find that top tier sticker on the pump but it’s still marketing. Top tier is a company AFAIK that sells the label after verifying the gas meets their requirements. All gas comes from the same place in your area so the top tier thing is even more questionable.

    Also that article mentioned regular vs premium and says not to bother using premium if your vehicle doesn’t require it.