• 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • It is often sketchy. The search function doesn’t work properly. Loading older messages often makes your client spaz out. There’s several glitchy commands. Spamming snowflakes can slow down your client to a crawl. A friend once crashed Element on my phone using a lot of nested quotes with muscle emojis. We had to spam other stuff so I could open Element again because the moment those messages started loading my client crashed again, preventing me from even changing the channel so I could open my app again.

    I use Element and Matrix because it is the best privacy-respecting option, but it has a long way to go.

  • "Sometimes I listen outside closed doors, a thing I never would have done in the time before. I don’t listen long, because I don’t want to be caught doing it. Once, though, I heard Rita say to Cora I hat she wouldn’t debase herself like that.

    Nobody asking you, Cora said. Anyways, what could you do, supposing?

    Go to the Colonies, Rita said. They have the choice.

    With the Unwomen, and starve to death and Lord knows what all? said Cora. Catch you.

    They were shelling peas; even through the almost-closed door I could hear the light clink of the hard peas falling into the metal howl. I heard Rita, a grunt or a sigh, of protest or agreement.

    Anyways, they’re doing it for us all, said Cora, or so they say. If I hadn’t of got my tubes tied, it could of been me, say I was ten years younger. It’s not that bad. It’s not what you’d call hard work.

    Better her than me, Rita said, and I opened the door."

    Atwood, M. (1985). The Handmaid’s Tale. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. p. 21-22.

  • Extremists tend to have anime pfps. Conservatives listen to the radio way more often, and are pretty much the only audience of radio talk shows. Progressives have a tendency to consider the implications of the media they consume way more than conservatives. Liberals tend to play tabletop games more often than other political groups. Socialists (of all variations) are the most likely group to have taken unconventional lifestyle choices (i.e. they’re vegan, live in a commune, make their own clothes, etc.). Authoritarians are obsessed with “the natural order”. This tends to shine through in the justificationns they give for their political beliefs. Anarchists/Libertarians shy away from the mainstream of literally anything (punk rock is a shining example, as is their prevalence here).