I am staying with FF until Orion is useable on linux. They just started development
Seek ⬥ Strike ⬥ Destroy ⬥ By Any Means Necessary
I am staying with FF until Orion is useable on linux. They just started development
They are porting to Linux was just announced not long ago… however dont know how long that will take. I am just gonna keep using FF until I can try Orion.
Using a firefox derivative I dont think is a good option as it will always be behind on security updates… I guess I am going to wait until the Orion Beta / software comes to Linux which was announced recently. Orion is a WebKit based browser that is on iphone / mac
I had one of the initial batches and the hinge was too weak. They came out with stronger ones that are much better which I now have. It was cheap and easy to replace
I had not heard of this one yet, just gave it a try and I like it. Thank you!
I tried this but it looked too strange on KDE since it is a gnome app. My cursor becomes 10x the size
Hopefully this will drive even more users to switch over. I find myself finding Reddit less useful as time passes by
Trying out to linux app but it is quite buggy. Try to type a search then a video just starts loading for no reason
This doesn’t quite answer your question but I really like my Framework 13”. But that is not the kind of device you are looking for.
But I am just throwing out there - there is new products being announced by Framework 2-25 and there is speculation of possibly a yoga type laptop. Maybe it would fit what you are looking for!
I use [Plasma Wallpapers Dynamic](https://github.com/zzag/plasma5-wallpapers-dynamic) . Instead though I set it up where it changes some scene every few hours to match daylight conditions, but you could accomplish exactly what you are asking – you just have to provide the actual wallpaper file for each hue and then specify what time for when you build the background