• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Was an AVP in a bank moved to a different company to work as a software consultant with a 10% hike. I would be earning more than what I’m earning if I had stayed, but I’m happy now.

    The company I worked for had installed software that tracks keyboard and mouse movements, it considers I’m idle if I don’t touch them for 180 seconds. Sometimes I lose more than 50% of the time because of attending meetings, it would report I was unproductive.

    It always gave me a feeling like someone constantly standing behind my back and watching.

    I usually work fast and complete things well in advance and spend time in the thought process of solving problems and enhancing existing process. Though I delivered more than what was expected from me, I was feeling insecure by someone gauging my performance by the amount of time I spent on computers.

  • I used my excel skills to create a Google sheet to fulfill your requirement.


    The cumulative interest is calculated at month level, I guess calculating at day level would be overall kill.


    • Date: Transaction date
    • Amount: the amount you like to deposit and withdraw (deposits in +ve and withdrawals in -ve)
    • Comment: Any comments if you want to put
    • Month: derived from the date col - used in the Monthly summary sheet
    • Year: derived from the date col - to get per day interest rate
    • Days: derived from the date col - to identify the number of days to apply interest
    • Interest for days: Calculated interest on the month of deposit / withdrawal.
    • The first 3 are inputs and remaining 4 columns are to be copy/paste from previous row.

    Interest Rate:

    • Year: Just the year
    • Interest Rate Per Year: Input the interest rate per year
    • Interest Rate Per Month: Interest Rate Per Year / 12 months
    • Interest Rate Per Day: Interest Rate Per Year / number of days in a year
    • The first two columns are input and remaining 2 columns are calculated

    Monthly Summary:

    • Month: Year and Month (the date is always 1 - check the formula bar). This is used to calculate cumulative interest and to get the deposit / withdrawals.
    • Opening Balance: Closing balance of previous month
    • Deposit / Withdrawals: Sum of deposit and withdrawals in a month - comes from ‘Transactions’ sheet
    • Interest for deposits/WD: Day level interest calculated for the deposits and withdrawals for each month. This also comes from ‘Transaction’ sheet.
    • Interest on balance: This calculates the cumulative interest portion. Interest rates are taken from ‘Interest Rate’ sheet at month level.
    • Closing Balance: Sum of all the above.
    • No inputs are needed in this sheet.

    Hope it will be helpful and all the best for your kids future.

    I do save something for my kid using this scheme. I try to put the maximum amount in a year. I wish my parents saved something for me, which would have supported my education.