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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • Is there any chance the recent media frenzy has given them a perspective when they didn’t feel strongly before? Any chance they can be swayed to recognize trans people aren’t hurting anyone and are just living their lives?

    I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It sounds incredibly difficult and frustrating.

    Internet hugs.

  • Every time I hear about rights being taken away I become more bold about my queerness.

    Same with my straight cis partner. He actually begged me to paint a trans flag on his banjo because the main online banjo forum was being anti-trans and he was like “Well I don’t want people in public thinking I’m a bigot just because I play banjo”

    Granted we’re a straight passing Canadian couple so these new anti-trans laws haven’t directly affected us but he’s wholeheartedly an ally and I’ve identified as bi for as long as I can remember so we do what we can to push back against anti lgbt (or generally bigoted) behaviour.