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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • There are so many things to say here but ultimately the whole Centrelink system is not built to provide payments, it is built to deny them, so it is definitely going to be hard. That said, once you are approved it is fairly stable and my partner who has been on it for about 8 years has never had a blip or glitch or even hint of a problem. I was also able to eventually get Carer payment and provide care full time, though now with the progress we have made I am working part time and moving towards full time.

    Depending on what you are diagnosed with the oath can be really variable. If it is something like bipolar (rapid cycling especially) there is no reasonable way you can maintain employment without significant support and accomodations.

    That said, a reasonable doctor should be able to see the impact in your life and should be willing to handle the form, regardless of your age. Saying because you are young you are not disabled is just pure nonsense and would definitely be a good reason to move on and if possible make a complaint. It is literally discrimination to deny someone services based on age and this person is aware of that. Saying that you don’t need DSP because you are in your 30s is like saying you don’t need insulin in your 30s, maybe statistically it is less common but medical decisions are driven by statistics and implemented on an individual basis.

    Anyway, switching psychiatrist is probably the best move if you think they are unlikely to change their mind. Trying one more time to get them to process the paperwork may be worthwhile depending on your circumstances.

    If you do try I would recommend making a list you take with you of the areas of your life that are impacted. Can you perform your activities of daily living? Do you currently receive support from other people? How many jobs have you had and for how long over the last 10 years? How many units have you failed? Have you had a large variance in grades between units because of this issue? What about relationships? What about non work non education things like friends and hobbies? What about physical health, including diet, exercise, and drug use?

    Lastly, I would consider being cautious about which drugs you are recommended. My partner developed mild twitching as a result of one medication and now 3 years later the symptoms are starting to lessen, but some of the meds can have big side effects and may also not do all that much to help. An incorrect diagnosis can lead to significant harm, so making sure you are personally well informed about what is happening, what you have been diagosed with, and what medications you are on will help protect you from harm. Also consider that non medical interventions can be a good adjunct to medical interventions, so managing your diet, getting good social connection time, exercising, and engaging with things you enjoy can make a significant difference.

    My partner was diagnosed with extremely rapid cycling bipolar 1 and was on lots of meds for it, after a lot of work we have figured out that they are actually autistic and have ADHD along with a buttload of childhood trauma resulting in CPTSD. Work on the CPTSD has made a massive difference to life and making appropriate accomodations for the autism and ADHD have led to tonnes of other improvements. Medical support for ADHD is not practical where we are living but in another year we will be moving to somewhere that has actual support for that and meds look likely, specifically a stimulant, but apart from that the entire current treatment plan for the last 3 years has been diet (strict keto moving towards carnivore), reduction and eventual removal of almost all dairy (caesin specifically), and a buttload of trauma work as the interventions and then supportive modification of the environment including changing lighting, removing loud electronics (some wall chargers scream all day), managing clothing, and removing sensory stimulation that is unpleasant like terracotta and smelly deodorant. All of these things have done more than the meds ever did, but those meds were for the wrong issue and so may be perfectly good for other issues without being right for my partner, no shade on meds.

    Good luck, and DM if you have questions

  • Yeah, they have a bunch of smaller creators there too. Honestly their internal business structure seems much more mutually beneficial than something like YouTube could ever be. All of the creators that I watch who are on Nebula I watch exclusively there now and that has taken a good 40% of my YouTube time away. My current favourite is Stefan Milo who talks about paleoanthropology, basically how we can know about human prehistory and evolution. There was a great video about tracing the genetics of South American populations to figure out when humans arrived on the continent and where from, such interesting stuff.

  • Nebula has been quite successful as far as I can tell. A whole bunch of educational YouTubers have moved over or were part of establishing it and honestly it works well. Videos can download to your device, the quality is the same, the app is a tiny bit janky but nowhere near as bad as all the ads etc on the YouTube app, and the cost is actually reasonable and goes in a reasonable share to the creators. I strongly prefer direct access to creators like this and also like on Patreon. Direct support means there is no advertiser in between to demonetise a video or have it taken down because it is controversial. You can’t even have a WW2 documentary on YouTube but you can have actual Nazis, but on Nebula you get analysis and history without Nike or Surfshark being reticent to sponsor a video.

  • This reminds me of the Big Mac decision. I can’t remember where but there was a burger place that had a Big Mac burger but the name was not a copy of the McDonalds one, it was iirc because the owner’s name was Mac. Anyway, they lost the case and therefore lost copyright protection on Big Mac, so Hungry Jacks/Burger King started renaming all their burgers to something something big Mac, just to mess with them. Maybe Apple will bite of more than they can chew and end up losing protection for the Apple logo or similar things.

  • My hope is that federation will end up having a halfway setting, where content can come across but engagement is limited in some way. For example, you may see a post from lemmy.ml but you would only see comments from beehaw and the upvotes you give it will be calculated locally. This would allow content to be visible from everywhere but would keep the communities separated to some degree. Also having personal opt-in federation may work, just like with NSFW, you could on your account allow a particular instance to come through while someone else would not select that, leaving you with a fairly personalised experience.

  • Yes indeed, I more mean that the marketing of video games gas been male coded for my entire life and as such the options have been narrowed to stereotypically male options. This means fewer options and less diversity. My partner loves guitar hero and Final Fantasy both of which were marketed more to men than women. That said, if there were companies trying to capture the female market segment their stereotypes would lead to other games, different from what they currently make. I disagree with the stereotypes but of they are going to use them then at least hit all of them, I want more games to play dammit!