• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I would say that it’s worth picking them up. Brandon Sanderson does a pretty good job. It’s not the same as Robert Jordan, but it doesn’t have to be. He does a goes job of capturing the feel of the series. And it reads differently from his own books, which isn’t easy to do. And I love how the story unfolds in the last book. There were definitely some story points I did not see coming.

  • There are definitely similarities, I agree. The setting out on a quest, multiple important characters but one that has the most important task, Rand shows some similarity to Frodo in their background, and a dark lord that’s wants to wreath the world in shadow. But then, it must be hard for a fantasy writer to not be influenced by Tolkien.

  • Yeah it takes so much dedication and practice to become a successful writer, so it’s really remarkable that he wrote such a great story as his first novel. It shows his unique mind. And the raw (if you can call it that) feeling of Elantris adds to the charm for me. Its like seeing the writer grow and evolve before your eyes.

    Oh wow, I didn’t know that! And so far I’ve enjoyed how he wrotw the WoT series. Keeping in touch with the overall feeling of the books, but still writing within himself and not trying to emulate Robert Jordan.

  • I watched episode 1. I thought it was better than the first season. Some better visuals and the pacing wasn’t as fast. It felt a bit more in line with the books on that front. So I hope that trend continues, because the pacing in the first season was terrible. It’s quality still doesn’t come anywhere close to the books though.

    Edit: also the storyline of Nyneave is better than the first season, more in line with the books so far.

    And the show gave more background information, so that’s good for people who haven’t read the books. But I still can’t really get over some storyline changes, because I don’t see the necessity.